
well, I don't know if good, the word i used was enjoyment And I've certainly been enjoying the season. In any case, I mentioned comparisons to other seasons because it was the topic of the comment i was replying to. However, it is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the endless caveats that AV club reviewers

Gone is the thrill of taking episodes at face value without letting comparisons to previous seasons drag the enjoyment down the drain.

does anybody else think that Eugene is just too nondescript nerd at this point? Today's words of wisdom were an RPG metaphor. I think the character, would've benefited from a bit of specificity from the start.

I just watched the episode, I didn't have time yesterday. And after reading the review I was hoping for someone to make this comment or I would've made it myself, good thing too because i wouldn't have done as good of a job.
"Dream logic" is the key phrase here. Joshua let the connections to "Lost" color his perception

that is true. I did not think of that.

yeah, I get that. I still think Virgil had to have revealed his intent to Michael in some way because of Michael's "god be with you" line. Maybe it could've been general ill will towards Kevin which Michael did not think would come to fruition, giving grandpa the benefit of the doubt once again. When Michel came back

My theory is that Virgil was being genuine at first but then the palm print ordeal was resolved off-screen and Michael was just telling Virgil when Kevin arrived, which would also explain why they were arguing. Having that train of thought in mind while watching the scene, Virgil emptying the syringe made sense to me,

I hadn't though about it. But yeah, this episode would explain that line and if you're right, it would prove Virgil wasn't lying, important for some of the theories here that rely on whether Virgil was being genuine or not.

In any case, after Erika last episode I cannot find this reprehensible even if it is a use of the trope. The Murphys are all very diverse as characters some of them very well written. So what if one out of 5 of them relies on a trope. If tropes are lazy writing i think Erika makes up for Virgil and then some.

That John Murphy man. He's been right all along. There are no miracles in Miracle.

Thanks, came to the comments to see if i found this theory, did't see it, added to the speculation.

Virgil's betrayal might not have been planned since he saw Kevin the first two times. it could've also been that John matched Kevin's palm print to the one found in the girl's car and Michael had just told his grandfather about it. Then Virgil saw killing Kevin as the opportunity to make it right with his family

may's mom: "The Only Light in the Darkness" S01E19

or that time passes more quickly in the other planet for some reason. Although that wouldn't gel with having back and forth shots in the scene

well, i figured something along those lines, what made it confusing is how they reacted to Matt. Thanks for the answer btw.

Was there something i missed or is there no explanation yet for why John and company burned down Isaac's house

Is it me? or did Daryl's group and Carol's group follow the tracks in opposite directions

the Italian dude wasn't shield. He was "Italian authorities". It isn't unbelievable that he would offer a bribe of any kind. He doesn't know better, he isn't really in on anything, he's just helping a paying party

Short story: she had no choice.
Emily preferred having the contents of the infinity box switched to support a cover story over just vanishing the box because that would've just made Victoria more determined to discover what she was hiding.
Now, even though the Graysons don't trust her, they actually have their guards

actually, i've always thought so. i've always liked their scenes together.
And aside for the fact that Conrad's the most responsible for Clarke's death, he's always pretty nice to Emily and i enjoy seeing her play nice as well. Conrad is the only Grayson Emily hasn't openly antagonized