I was surprised it was from the 70's as well, because I also largely associate it with the early 90's where it’s reputation seemed ubiquitous. For some reason where I grew up it was popular with a particular breed of grimy skater kids.
I was surprised it was from the 70's as well, because I also largely associate it with the early 90's where it’s reputation seemed ubiquitous. For some reason where I grew up it was popular with a particular breed of grimy skater kids.
“I live in the bay area and people speak about it like we’re barely holding it together through all the crime;”
Listen, just tell me when I can pre-order my PaRappa the Rapper tickets!
And so much slooow moootion with a droning soundtrack! WE GET IT! THE MAN WHO LAUGHS IS DREARY AND SAD!
I don’t know if you were asking in sincerity, but her fans are called ‘Little Monsters.’ She absolutely still has a strong fanbase, but I think they tend to be a different demographic than, say, Taylor Swift fans (my guess is a little bit older and definitely gayer).
From the hate comments that I’ve read about the (absolutely amazing) Harley Quinn show, I would expect that the worst dudes on the internet will actually LOVE this version of Harley, because it seems like she’s the version that stands by and supports the toxic behavior of the Joker rather than the version that ditches…
The riddling with Smaug and Smaug’s epic boasting is famous and important (“My scales are shields, my teeth are swords, etc...) and are still the strongest part of the scene. But then they take a long stroll through the caverns talking about the Arkenstone and whether or not Thorin and Bilbo are REALLY besties or…
I thought the Smaug design was kind of workman-like and serviceable. It just kind of looked like a basic, standard dragon which is... fine.
Really? Is this a Mandela Effect thing, because I could have SWORN he was already out when ‘Harold & Kumar’ came out, which is what made the Barney-adjacent character in H & K so funny.
I know it’s really easy to forget about B.F.G. but oof! Hook was the highest level of cinematic masterpieces compared to B.F.G.
I feel like both culturally AND personally, opinions on ‘Hook’ kind of went in a circle since its release. I was a tween when it came out, and most other folks my age and younger (let’s face it, the target audience) absolutely loved it. Then as I got older, the general consensus was that it was horrible.
“which was a fun celebrity couple I had no idea existed until a few weeks ago.”
They do! They’re particularly into ‘blind box reveal’ style toys nowadays which, granted, make for web video fodder when opening, but are filled with pretty traditional dolls, action figures, etc with accessories.
He was framed as the villian, sure, but a movie based around toys that he frankensteined would be pretty great. Misfit Toy Story!
This was my thought, too - they could continue the series without diminishing the former movies by centering on other toys.
“The original Fawlty Towers aired two seasons in 1975 and 1979, with 12 episodes in all.”
I mean, I live in a small apartment and I have a pretty sizable collection that all fits in a couple of those CD / DVD wallets. They don’t take up a lot of room at all.
Yeah, I always assumed he was one of the ‘writers’ and by ‘writers’ I mean ‘he would get drunk and ramble the first incoherent thing that comes off the top of his head and then animators would have to turn it into a Inter-Dimensional Cable episode.’