Dave Haaz-Baroque

No, I caught the name flub-up, but other people already mentioned that in the comments.

“And don’t forget David Stern’s narration, offering reflections and observations on the events of each episode, articulating it all with the wisdom of age”

They did! It’s been decades since I’ve seen the show, but as a kid I remember the reveal being particularly affecting. There was a sweetness to the character arc that made it my favorite part of the show.

I strongly suspect that covid had a lot to do with it as well. Very complicated puppet productions involve performers having to be smushed in very very tight spaces on top of each other, and for a while there was no way to do that safely. Without knowing how long production would be delayed to keep it safe, I could

I know it was niche and not a runaway success, but I waited most of my life for more Dark Crystal and they only gave me a little taste. The amount of work it took to do all that physical effect world-building should have gotten us at LEAST two seasons!

He IS the producer, that’s why he’s being charged.

I mean, finger-steepling completely denotes cartoon villiany, and while he IS a villian, how dare he presume that he has the queer-coded elegance to be a CARTOON villian!

From the trailers this does look like it would be absolutely skin-crawling. Your Mileage May Vary, but for me the absolute scariest stuff is weirdly-lit, grainy footage where you can’t reeeeally tell what you’re looking at. The absolute PINNACLE of this for me was ‘Begotten’ Like, what the hell is going on in this

John Astin is still with us, and his appearances were one of my favorite parts of the original series. I hope they book a cameo quick!

I mean, she complained about not being asked on her podcast, so if she’s got that surprise in her back pocket, I admire her deflection.

This looks even better than I hoped and the only disappointment is that they didn't call Trixie Mattel for a cameo. 

“It sounds like some of the people you fired are in the audience,” he said.”

“It’s about the overall positions and policies the group has taken—it’s not about Christian vs. non-Christian.” (For example, it doesn’t seem likely that the restaurant would cancel the booking of a Christian group that supports LGBTQ+ and abortion rights.)“

I don’t know, maybe it was because my friends and I were mostly poor retail-working gutter trash (we were) but me and most people I spent time with didn’t have cell phones until at least 2003. From what I remember, the cost wasn’t the phone itself, it was paying for minutes (Ha! Remember when THAT nonsense was a

Part of Goodman’s range though is that he can be both the warmest, most comforting guy ever, but can also play absolutely TERRIFYING, which is an end of the spectrum I have a hard time seeing for Candy.

Both men hand over their Diners Cards (which still exist!) to the hotel clerk who rings them up with a manual carbon credit card machine and mixes them up when handing them back.”

“There are right wingers everywhere, & safety isn’t guaranteed just because you live in a blue state.”

Which, honestly, is pretty accurate to the comic. I didn’t think the first two episodes were TERRIBLE, but I do think they were the weakest of the series, which is pretty accurate to the source material. Unfortunately they have to get over that initial slump before the story really revs into gear.

If dealers wanted kids hooked on fentanyl, they sure as hell wouldn’t make them look like SWEET TARTS. Everyone knows that trash candy gets shoved to the bottom of the candy pile and then forgotten. By the time kids get desperate enough to consider Sweet Tarts for their sugar rush, it’s blessedly already time for

I was wondering the same thing.