Dave Haaz-Baroque

For a long time now I’ve said that I wanted to see Thora Birch working again and this feels like a total Monkey’s Paw situation.

“I liked this film and most importantly my step kids liked this film.”

Considering the fact that they openly defend the shooting of people for even the most trivial of actions (like ‘moving your hand too fast to get your ID for an officer’) I think they’ve made it VERY clear that murder by folks they support is NBD.

This sounds like I may enjoy it, but it sounds like I may enjoy the Trixie & Katya ‘I Like To Watch’ recap even more (especially since they just inexplicably recapped ‘Mean Girls’ last week).

I was picturing Gewn Stefani because of her referencing crazy eyebrows:

Came here to same thing. I loved season 1 of Rutherford Falls, but I honestly hadn’t even known the second season was out yet.

Psuedo-Related Side Comment: According to my Pandora algorithms, Feist is the perfect amalgamation of what music I apparently like. Whenever I create a station, so matter what artist it starts out as, my various upvotes and downvotes eventually transform it into a Feist station. I think the most bizarre example

Excuse me, but Feist has a pretty respectable career of her own. Does Arcade Fire regularly do stuff with the Muppets? No, they do not. Point: Feist.

I seem to remember a comment in the first season as well about how she used to have her own group of friends before Kevin, so I’ve always assumed that he gradually isolated her from all her support networks as well as abusing her financially.

Even much of California can be pretty red. I grew up in the Central Valley, and while it’s a bit more purple nowadays, back in the 90's it was VERY very conservative. It’s still conservative enough that I feel safer working in the San Francisco Tenderloin than I would feel walking around Modesto at night. I was chased

I mean, grim but not inaccurate.

I watched the first episode this morning and it was okay. I like everyone in it, and it definitely feels like the type of show that’ll get better now that the premise is laid out and the characters have time to develop.

Um... Yeah pretty notably, Rhea Perlman for the past 40 years. Depending on your age they’re kind of considered a classic comedy power couple.

My cynical hypothesis is that the Supreme Court may support the right to abort septic pregnancies so they can then turn around and say “See? Overturning R vs W wasn’t monsterous! We can have a common-sense compromise!”

I’m going to go out on a limb and pretend you’re asking in good faith even though your comment history says you’re probably not.

I know I’m being dragged back into a 10-day-old comment thread (which, in internet terms is FOREVER) but...

Housing vouchers typically subsidize rent to ensure that your rental portion is no more than 30% of your income. The house was probably considerably more than $145, but $145 was the portion she was charged, with the voucher paying the remainder. That $145 adjusts if her personal income goes up or down.

I meeean, Kanye’s behavior was so horrifying and toxic that it’s a low-key dissappointment that this panned out in a way that he could chalk up as a ‘win’, but I’m not exerting any actual energy about it.

Okay, here’s a reframe that might be helpful (or not!). Instead of thinking about what you can do to attract women as a nebulous concept, when you are interested in a woman, ask yourself why you are interested in knowing *her* better. What is it about her that you think would bring something to your life?

I mean, minimalist women that don’t care about furniture do exist - I’ve met plenty of them. If a gal goes to your place and thinks you’re less desirable because you don’t have a lot of furniture - well, great! She probably wasn’t the one! What a time-saver!