Dave Haaz-Baroque

I mean, I don’t want to be super snarky at the OP because, like I say, he doesn’t seem like a bad person, it just seems a little impersonal to treat meeting people like a life hack.

I feel like a lot of the general ‘standards’ that women are looking for are just good standards to cultivate in general. Learning to

“You could have 100 women write down 10 things they are looking for from their ideal partner, compile that data and create a list of 10 or 12 things that women are looking for, become the ideal embodiment of those things, make it your life’s work to make sure that you have those 10 or 12 characteristics, and you

I had been looking forward to the merger so I could watch “Trixie Motel” without getting another streaming service. But yeah, this is making it sound like the merger may actually be bad?

Sure, but in the past it’s not like someone went into your record collection and just replaced your albums. Now that  music is purchased, stored and played through the cloud, you don’t have the option of keping the version you originally purchased (unless you bought a hard copy because you’re a shambling, ancient

I’ve read that he came out of retirement to work on the closing credits

It looks like it might be the first two arcs; there’s quite a bit of reference to Doll’s House as well. I’ve read an interviews that Death shows up for The Sound of her Wings adaptation in episode 5, so that means that first Arc is wrapped up at about four episodes which seems like the proper length to me.

“the use of violence to confirm manhood and how cliched ideas about manhood can lead to someone’s own destruction.”

It’s got some stuff that’s already aged pretty badly, and the lead character is insufferable, but most of the cast is effortlessly charming and Robin’s backstory as a Canadian pop star (hence the Alanis reference) is one of the highlights of the show for me.

I’m starring you out of pure jealousy.

If you’re saying that you don’t recognize a VAST difference in maturity, decision-making, coping skills, etc between 18 and 33 then you’re only telling on yourself. 18 may be ‘legal’, but it’s still dating as close as you can to an actual child without breaking the law.

“Coulier and Morissette dated for two years, starting in 1992 when he was 33 and she was just 18 years old.”

It’s a joke you’re missing from ‘How I Met Your Mother’

Folks on the right aren’t going to concede any ground on this. Tbey’re just going to pivot from denial to racism (“yeah, but he was an illegal! The real way to stop this is to close our borders!”) 

I think I would have gelled it back to resemble the ‘plastic’ hairstyle more, but admittedly IRL slicked blonde hair can also come off kinda Draco Malfoy.

“several reporters tweeted last night claiming sources told them Secret Service agents disputed that the steering wheel incident happened and that agents were prepared to testify under oath.”

PLEASE tell me Gorr was going to do the swoopy ‘Wuthering Heights’ dance!

It’s from her Hammersmith Odeon concert, from ‘James & the Cold Gun.’

Okay, you saved yourself at the end there, buddy. Because I was gonna say - if this whole article was written to besmirch Kate Bush’s recent success, we were gonna have a rumble.

Jesus Christ this movie sounds like a mess.

The GOP - ‘There wouldn’t be shootings if everyone was just nice to each other! Have we tried that?’