I know you’re getting a lot of snarky answers, but your assessment is pretty close to spot-on - there’s no reason to apologize for ignorance.
I know you’re getting a lot of snarky answers, but your assessment is pretty close to spot-on - there’s no reason to apologize for ignorance.
I’m certain that every year prior to 2020, anytime I got sick it was from the BART*. They have us packed like coughing, hacking sardines.
Then it’s a good thing that’s what I’m wearing!
(usually with a cloth mask over it. Not for extra protection - for vanity. Because I bought a bunch of cute Halloween print masks in 2020 and I’m not about to let them go to waste).
I mean, where I am in the San Francisco Bay Area lots of folks still are.
Did anyone else feel emotional whiplash with:
I actually preferred the spinoff, if nothing else than because every episode didn’t follow the same story beats of ‘Mother is overbearing. Child tries to be independent. Mother is hurt by child. Mother and child come to consensus that child needs to be own person while still respecting the role of parenthood. Lesson…
Exaaaactly the vibe I was thinking. There are so many summer teen workplace comedies - let’s get a Halloween one!
I mean yes - it is VERY ‘90s. But surely the ‘80s retro trend has to be winding down, and this would just be ahead of the curve!
I actually think a film set in a Halloween Store could be a lot of fun as a non-horror movie. Like, I could see it as a slacker workplace comedy like ‘Empire Records’ or ‘High Fidelity.’ It could be a great ensemble film with all the different folks that took the temporary job out of necessity (with the one obligatory…
And it’s such a weird take. Like, if somebody’s a mugger, you wouldn’t be all “well, you only interviewed the people that he held up by gunpoint. Did you ever think to talk to all the people he encountered who he DIDN'T hold up at gunpoint? I mean, he sees his best friend everyday and he never pointed a gun at HIS…
I mean, was it a really strong snatch game? No, but I think they’re overselling how ‘bad’ it was. I think they for sure COULD have picked two to lip sync if they really wanted to (::cough:: Jasmine & Jorgeous::)
As someone that works in San Francisco and lives in Oakland, boy-howdy can I relate!
The voice not only sounded weird, but all the kids’ lines sound weird‘clipped’ at the beginning of their sentences, like they’re hastily cut-and-pasted mp3s that were cropped a little too closely.
“I would accept measures that include things like canceling all interest retroactively so that once a sum equivalent the principal initially borrowed has been repaid, then the loan is clear.”
It happened here in Oakland, too, in Jack London Square. But all we hear about is how the burned tree in New York HAD to be an attack on conservatives.
Somebody set fire to the tree in Jack London Square in Oakland over the weekend, too. Is this just gonna ba a thing this year?
In the early/mid 90's he was generally disregarded as a dumb slacker kid who couldn’t act. I’m old enough to remember him getting crapped on nonstop after Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
“I can’t say how intentional it was, but “Ghostbusters” seems to be VERY POINTEDLY riffing on aspects of “Poltergeist”