Dave Haaz-Baroque

I had to close my eyes as a kid any time that taxi cab ghost came onscreen. I was absolutely TERRIFIED of it!

I know folks like to snark on her, but Adventureland was great and I thought she was really good in it.

“Realistically, the main issue I have with a bat suit is that I assume most versions of one would make a lot of clanking,”

Well, that’s why you go with the sleek and slinky Adam West suit.

Courtney Love seems like she would be incredibly tiresome as a person, but she’s generally really good as an actor. Courtney Love in ‘200 Cigarettes’ was incredibly likeable.

There is no excuse for the existence of ::shudder:: shakets when we already have the existence of effortlessly cool duster cardigans. Dramatically swoopy and fashionable for all genders (imoho) it’s been my go-to garment for the past few years when I want to feel like a cozy detective (or Mokey Fraggle).

That’s assuming he was EVER where they said he was. He could have been hiding out in another country for weeks.

I don’t remember jokes, but I do remember it having lots of ‘kids enthusiastically talking over each other’ the way Amblin movies liked to do.

Max Landis did actually do a Ghostbusters treatment that a certain segment of the internet seems to be pretty fond of. I read it a few years ago (it was online for a while) and to me it sounded really bleak and depressing, but it also doesn’t sound completely unlike Afterlife tonally, which has me concerned.

Well, the Reddit crowd seemed to positively fawn over the Max Landis script that was floating around, which was grim and joyless but chock full of lore. ‘Afterlife’ seems to bear some similarity to that script, so they may love it. I didn’t know there was so much desire for ‘dark and serious’ Ghostbusters, but

It was always owned by Children’s Television Workshop (which I guess has recently changed to ‘Sesame Workshop’). They were the ones that created the show and brought Jim Henson on board.

Disney very specifically does not own Sesame Street characters. It was one of the main sticking points that prevented the sale of the Muppets way back when Henson was alive, and it carried on through the eventual acquisition of The Muppets. Hensoin and his family were always VERY clear that the Sesame Street crew were

The donkey song is ‘Get Out of My House!” And it’s an example of her incredible talent that braying like a donkey in a song comes off as guttural and raw and uncomfortably upsetting rather than comical.

“how is the Master not the Timeless Child?”

That’s my hope, too!

I found Capaldi’s first season virtually unwatchable, but his subsequent two seasons improved a lot. By the time we got to ‘The Zygon Inversion’ he was giving us moments that were some of the highest points of Doctor Who.

A civilization that’s lived generations in traffic? It feels totally Douglas Adams and ‘feels like Douglas Adams’ is my favorite flavor of sci-fi.

I think Season 6 in general has some of my favorite episodes in it. It didn’t end QUITE as good as it should have, but the opening two-parter is properly creepy and ‘Let’s Kill Hitler’ is a lot of fun. And as you say ‘The Doctor’s Wife’ was great. 

This is particularly disappointing because when this was first announced I thought it was actually a brilliant idea to do another Wonder Years series focused on a black family very specifically because I thought it would undercut some of the saccharine nostalgia that people have for that era. It feels like such a

It’s a wig of her hairstyle. And the payoff of that gag was one of my favorite parts of the movie.

I’m pretty sure the original poster is trolling, but I have some friends who have attempted to get a job at Disneyland, so I’ve got a bit of insight on the hiring process.