Dave Haaz-Baroque

I started with ‘Marry Me’, and I still think that’s close to my favorite album. I guess for starters - what other artists do you enjoy?

Same. My friends and I have tickets for this and St Vincent’s show in Berkeley for the same week and we’re pretty stoked.

God, that ‘desaturate everything and throw a blue filter on it’ look was certainly a cinematic moment in time, wasn’t it?

“What’s interesting about the Tuskegee thing is that a lot of people think scientists injected patients with syphilis.”

Because we’ve got #1 right here, baby!

I can’t blame the father *too* much. Considering their prior album ‘Bleach’ didn’t exactly set the world on fire until after ‘Nevermind’ came out, it doesn’t seem too odd that he just thought “This rando garage band wants a photo of my baby? And I get $200? Screw it, it’s not like anyone’ll ever see it, probably.”

I grew up in the Central Valley, in an area that was... um... NOT a very liberal area - at least in the 80's early 90's. Modesto, CA is a bit more suburban now, but it was all fields and gay slurs screamed from pickups when I was growing up.

And while you could say that ‘he’s back’, his version of being ‘back’ still doesn’t put him at the center - he used his show to instead focus on Denise and her wife rather than himself.

::blink:: I never said anything about people talking about stuff ‘on the streets.’ That’s... A super weird takeaway. But actually, yeah,my super-involved community DOES tend to actively discuss political things they think are important, and I don’t see them bringing this up as much as they’ve brought up other things

I mean, I’m in San Francisco, the most Liberal Liberal place that ever Liberalled and I hear almost nobody talking about it.

As much as Jenner’s campaign is an absolute joke, it’s INCREDIBLY important that Californians don’t laugh off this recall election, and that everyone votes against the recall.

I actually PREFER ‘Don’t Smile At Me’ to ‘When We Fall Asleep.’ Not that I dislike WWFA, but that first... EP, I guess, is really solid and deserves more love.

“However the whole scenario looks a little different given what’s come out about Stanley this year.”

I mean, let’s be real, though. I’m a spooky Gen Xer. In a battle of whether or not someone’s an asshole, my support’s ALWAYS going to go to “well, was Fairuza Balk cool with them?”

Yeah, actually. There’s a documentary about the production called ‘Lost Soul’ that kind of re-contextualized Brando’s behavior.

“Every time I see James Marsden’s name I hopefully misread it as James Marsters.”

Someone on my Facebook feed posted that in 50 years’ time they’ll probably find graves in the border camps of today and.. oof... I hate to admit that I wouldn’t be shocked if they were right.

“you can shop it and a surprising array of “Bonded for Life”-branded apparel (featuring a caricature of Brown and the infamous glue can)“

My Yes is that they'll wait and see if theaters bounce back, and which distribution method is the bigger money maker. 

I reeeeally hope they eventually give us ‘Something Wicked This Way Comes.’ I’m crossing my fingers that they’re just waiting until we’re closer to Halloween.