I run a book club for queer teens, and they are currently LOSING THEIR MINDS. Like. Happy tears and talking about role models and god I am *so glad* they have people like Elliot to look up to.
I run a book club for queer teens, and they are currently LOSING THEIR MINDS. Like. Happy tears and talking about role models and god I am *so glad* they have people like Elliot to look up to.
I love David Bowie and Johnny Flynn but that movie looks dogshit. Somebody needs to put a moratorium on cookie-cutter biopics.
We are kindred. If the hype train goes down in flames I will be at the helm. CHOO CHOO motherfu*kers.
It is gloriously apropos that a movie featuring Illyana Rasputin has been stuck in Limbo for years.
WOW. I’m shocked by all this in part because I am a huge fan of Sarah Dessen... so I know that statement is absolutely true.
All of these people are simply finding their own ways to leverage the monarchy to achieve their own goals, whatever they may be. Which is probably what any of us would do if we had intentionally put ourselves in a similar position, as they have, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are basically doing business.
Don’t you have more important things to do? Like throwing bananas at black soccer players?
Wow. You guys are something— an online threat to me and my family? That’s a felony these days.
We don’t need more roads. More roads creates more traffic, not reduced travel time. It’s called “induced demand.” We need to take those hundreds of millions subsidizing the automobile industry with urban highway expansion and channel it into subsidizing public transport.
Coincidentally, the phrase “he felt it move when he tugged” is found in over 90% of Cap Thor slashfic. At the risk of ruining the innuendo with a relevant Joss Whedon reference, the hammer is his penis.
Respected buggy whip manufacturer has a few concerns about automobiles
You know what, I wish Andromeda had been Bioware’s last game. Yes it was flawed but at least it was trying to change it up, most of the errors like facial glitches were easily fixable, and most of the flaws were down to a ridiculously short dev cycle bereft with office politics bullshit.
Shut the fuck up.
Loved this article. Well-written. Thank you for bringing this story to a national readership, so we are more aware of what goes on in cities not our own, but that could affect us as a nation as a whole.
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”
I too get upset when video game reviews remark on the setting and premise.