Literally been waiting my entire life to reference that in writing, which means you are officially my new favorite person.
Literally been waiting my entire life to reference that in writing, which means you are officially my new favorite person.
I disagree that they’re getting writing Harley wrong here - this is completely in-line with the best Harley stories, if you allow the character to grow over time.
Your friends are horrible people and Batman Returns was brilliant. You might need new friends.
I’m genuinely surprised and delighted to see Batman Returns on this list. For how often it is panned and dismissed by friends, I thought I must be in an extreme minority who found it very enjoyable. I’m sure it helps that I took it in as a 12-year-old and that the accompanying SNES game was a blast, but even then I…
I know people have a lot of love for the Nolan Batman films, but in my opinion they’re some of the worst. The Dark knight is a good film, but it’s mostly due to Heath Ledger’s performance. The rest of the film is clunky, ugly, poorly edited and poorly shot. The same goes for Nolan’s other two Batman films - they go…
Except those quests only awarded... more masks. Still no problem here.
Also, I completely disagree with your assertion that the SRL sparrows are so superior. I actually prefer the swiftriver (red bull sparrow) as it actually has a higher Boost stat than the SRL ones and otherwise handles the same
I’ve played a lot of destiny. Platinumed it back in November before the Dark Below came out. I’ve got around 2,000 hours in the game and usually have 1 day a week dedicated to hard mode Kings Fall right now.
Although I agree mostly with your sentiment, you do have some misconceptions. You can earn the new sparrows without spending a dime by leveling SRL rep. They are NOT faster than non-SRL sparrows, so i’m confused about what makes them “better”. The Momentum race gear set has zero light, so it’s purely paid cosmetics.…
I was fine with dances, dances affected nothing, but as soon as the Festival of the Light started and one could buy his way into a full set of masks, the ugly writing was on the wall
Wow man, how insecure are you? Do you just hate Star Wars so much that you force criticisms of it into everything you say or is this a special occasion? Because I have literally not heard a single person make the Star Wars comparison before you brought it up.
I think people are shitting on it because we don’t need to see the same movie twice.
Just starred you. I'm doing my part!
I would like to know more.
Yeah I liked some bits of both. Dinklage sounds much more fresh and less generic.
Not to mention they chopped most of his dialogue off because "it was taking up too much data for its allocation". Dinklebot sounded exactly like what i think a program left to its own devices for an extended period of time would sound like. Also, there was a personality there in the delivery... most people were just…
I’m sorry, but no. Not even close. Dinklage was distinctive. North just sounds like stereotypical robot...voiced by nathan drake.
Fallout 3 doesn’t follow the same basic formula for open-world sandbox games that has produced some truly great…
Everyone on this comment thread, go to or and find some people to play with. I was once in your shoes, but just reach out to people on there that seem cool. The raids are some of the best content in the game, and it would be a shame to have high level characters and…
Look, I know I’m not your usual Destiny player. I wander around, take in the sights, fight when I’m in the mood, do the quests, get the bounties, and have fun.