Yeah... I think C. S. Lewis delved into a Turkish-English dictionary at some point, too.
Yeah... I think C. S. Lewis delved into a Turkish-English dictionary at some point, too.
I'd rather say Tyrion is a misanthrope - he certainly doesn't seem to hate all women, merely his sister (understandably). And if you're claiming he's as bad a character as Cersei, I think you may have missed something from the first two books (I apologise if his character completely changes later on).
Bearing in mind Gore Verbinski now has an Oscar (for Rango), anything is officially possible (apart from me watching any of the Twilight films).
Well, he was playing a guy who'd died in WWII then came back as a ghostly vampire thing in The Fades, so he's been around the block once or twice...
So which games did you rock at (or just really, really like)? Galaxian, D+D or something less obvious?
Yup. I requested that one too...oh well, we'll always have Kim Catrall.
Sounds OK, but for the fact that the Aliens aren't interested in androids - or at least, they weren't when Bishop ran around in Aliens. So yeah, it's Voldemort.
Um, the one in Aliens didn't. Let's not dwell too long on Resurrection...
Plus, in the trailer, they mention the Space Jockey's ship is heading to Earth and they have to stop it. If there's a chase, it's the other way around.
You missed out "turgid" and "relentlessly dull" and "hopelessly convoluted" and... I'll stop now. Not a fan of "The Last Man" either, needless to say.
Because he read Pierre Boule's book? Honestly, the original screen adaptation took everything that was good with the book and ran with it. The Tim Burton one? Not so much...
I liked it better when commenters knew their sentence construction.
I'm guessing you haven't read them then? Well, bravo for having an uninformed opinion but still be willing to criticise.
Someone should tell Ridley not to have his characters smoking on the bridge this time, then... Seriously, though - a great film makes you forget the inconsistencies, surely?
Add Mega City Four to the list if, you know, you really want to...
OK, NOW you've convinced me to buy it. Of course, I'll probably feel vaguely dirty after reading it...
I think you'll find it's Ally McCoist who's screwed these days...
I'd be more inclined to believe this if 1) The star witness wasn't a hotel owner 2) It sounds like something the Sunday Sport would make up and 3) If the presenter wasn't the ex-editor of the Sunday Sport.
Oh god... I really wish my library had had a wider selection of books when I was 12. I probably shouldn't admit to reading them, but I did. All of them. All however many thousands of pages they were. Jebus.
Obviously I missed this on twitter otherwise I would have spammed Charlie Jane repeatedly using the names Steve Aylett and Jeff Noon because, really, they're both great authors and you should read them now.