Discodave: R.O.A.C.H. M.O.T.E.L.

Oh FFS, I hate posting images here...

I've been into the underground station a couple of times (somebody else had broken the padlock, I hasten to add) - the tunnel floor is very uneven, so bring a torch. Also, expect rather worrying graffiti to loom out at you as you walk along...

I believe we've just demonstrated the power of this fully operational battle station.

That's no moon...

See, that's my minor problem with the film - it's a prequel, so shouldn't the technology look less advanced? It's not like Star Wars where the Clone Wars had taken their toll on the Galactic economy and everything was stripped-down, patched-up and recycled, surely?

Hmm, depends if you think of the Coen Brothers' Burn After Reading as slapstick, I guess...

Well, it depends which Doctor you'd want her to resemble in attitude - Hartnell was very brusque and aloof at first and Colin Baker spent most of his time being insufferably smug and odious.

They probably (hopefully) will when it airs on BBC America. Unfortunately, shows don't get as much attention until they've crossed the Pond - Misfits being the obvious example.

If there's going to be a female Doctor, it's not Helen Mirren. There can only be one XX chromosome Doctor, and that's the SWINTON (the all caps is a thing, you know, I'm not just hysterically screaming it).

My name's Discodave and I'm a Narniac. It's been 18 days since I last spoke to a Donkey.

I KNOW. I got SO much out of this article. AND from your comment - I can certainly see why YOU got your star! /waytoomuchcapslock

Jess - great article as always (love the stuff you do for Incognito), anyhow:

Will do!

Yup. And Blur, and Luke Haines and a lot of other Britpop bands. But not Shed Seven. No sir.

Aww hell, anyone that thinks Roald Dahl wasn't trying to scare kids is nuts - and that's why his books are so popular (and incidentally, probably why Lemony Snickett's work sold so well) - kids know that bad things happen to good and bad people equally and don't need to be mollycoddled. Dahl told kids there were nasty

If they ever remake this, Peter Dinklage better be playing Randall, that's all I'm saying.

Which is what my Danish other half said to me last night. My bad...

Yeah - they've been making films for years - I remember them producing one while they were still in school (roughly equivalent to 11th grade) and releasing it on video in the local shops.

He's the German(!?) priest. He used to teach some of the guys behind the film years ago and they really wanted to work with him. Bless.

Now playing

I have a vested interest in saying that Attack of the Herbals is awesome, seeing as my dad is in it and it was filmed in my home town.