He’s technically correct, and insisted on standing on that point of technical correctness instead of just selling, for a reasonable (high!) price, the thing that was worth much more to a bigger business.
He’s technically correct, and insisted on standing on that point of technical correctness instead of just selling, for a reasonable (high!) price, the thing that was worth much more to a bigger business.
Well, yes. But when does the Gawkerverse not go from zero to kill-the-jews in under 5 seconds? There’s a certain rather delicious irony in them using Germans gassing people as their justification for another round of kill-the-Jews ranting, but it’s not exactly edifying to watch the 1%ers round here continually pushing…
“Oh dear. I think I’ve been misled.”
So what you’re saying is that you won’t single out a company renowned for a long history of deeply shady business practices, but will instead colour everyone doing things the right way with a brush you’ve dipped in Nazi paint? You’ll fit in fine around here...
I guess you’ve never seen real F1 coverage instead of the nonsense Sky puts out. Sad. See if you can find some of the C4 coverage from last season instead - it’s a bit better, at least.
“Do they at least not totally suck?”
“It’s a rare (never) thing where you drive perfectly, get pulled over anyway, pass a field-sobriety test, but the mean cop decides to arrest you and force you to submit to a BAC test anyhow.”
Ah... EOD I worked out/half-remembered, but RLC I had to google. Of course it’s the Royal Logistical Corps, I should have realised that’s where the UK would keep its bomb-disposal technicians :)
I was in Plymouth recently. They have as many UXBs as Portsmouth, but when they find one they just evacuate the area, set it off, and it’s an improvement. (The Luftwaffe didn’t even come close to the horror Plymouth’s post-war architects are responsible for.)
When my little brother was in primary school, for show-and-tell someone brought in a live WWI bomb they’d picked up on their summer holiday in Flanders. Cue instant evac of the school and surrounding area. UXB squad moved it to the playground and were preparing for a controlled detonation when it underwent spontaneous…
“Some of the BOMBS dropped over Germany were heavier than those attack planes.”
a) Finding an exploded WWII bomb is a lot harder.
There are all kinds of fucked-up things about the US, but I don’t think you can blame them for sexualising her. WTF do you think the Olympics has always been about? It’s sexual competition, that’s what it’s all about. You do know the root of the word gymnasium, right?
It’s not all that impressive if you look a bit deeper - the car was built solely to game the EU MPG testing system - something VW was known for even before dieselgate - and considering the amount of money spent on it and the compromises made, it’s not done anything particularly notable. In the real world it doesn’t…
It’s not illegal to own moon rocks. NASA likes to claim it’s illegal, which isn’t the same thing at all.
You’re overthinking it.
Some cars don’t photograph well. This is one of them, IMO. Looks so much better in person than any pic I can find. One of my neighbours had one, and it’s much more normal looking than most pics suggest.
Wait... They want to call it the Low Bridge?
“and to not play in the street in the first place.”