
As a man, I can tell you that testosterone is a powerful drug, and creates a strong set of impulses that are tough to understand for women, who don’t have the same high levels. We are very visual, and look for visual cues. On the one hand , Andrea is an attractive, professional looking young lady (at the time),

I loved the first season and enjoyed the second, but I hated season three of BC, There were so many cringe inducing femminst scenes. Watching it felt like I was in sexual harassment training class, except it had more preatchynness .

They use photographs , cells, blood, body parts all the time in science and medicine and people don’t get paid, nor should they expect to. Actually , they should kiss the feet of the doctors, nurses and techs who work 36 hour shift trying to treat them and find cures for diseases. It is the height of entitled

She also points out that “most people are not rapists”. Society needs to start acting that way, otherwise you are treating men as a group badly. We are a very bad group to treat badly, we do the majority of the difficult and dangerous work, and as we get treated badly we drop out. Look at the cost of