
That’s damn good


Maybe it’s time to start looking at the background check and psychological evaluation processes that we use to decide who is and is not fit to...attend school.

Some people make it look easy. +1

Are you kidding? This gentle girl is already scheduling her trip to the White House.

Can you tap it while she’s convulsing or is that bad form?

Buy two cookies. Stash them in the car till the kids are asleep. Pull them out late at night as a surprise. You are so considerate you may get a blow job.

Carl’s a Giants fan

Why does she need to hide? What is she ashamed of?

Call a waaambulance

You holden? Holden Caufield?

I’m old. I remember then the giants brought him up as a soft handed shortstop.

Whats it mean?

Saints need to suck for Fournette.

My niece made me a sandwich. Asked if I want avocado on it. She left the skin on it.

That’s what I say. Then I say “who’s calling?”

She’s probably wistfully thinking about not having to go thorough that bureaucratic nightmare she dealt with.

Something Something James Harrison

And he wants to edit the footage

Cops should spend more time practice fighting and less time practice shooting. If Brown had dropped his head and run at me, I’d knee him right in the face.