
He still handles race better than Donald Sterling.

THIS is what this series should really be like. He tells us his 'hack' and then proceeds to expand on as to WHY he does that action or habit and how it fits into his life. Context makes this series so much deeper and satisfying. Would love to see more of that.

Thanks Chief.

Sorry, but a Mustang needs to have a V8. It's bad enough I have to resist cockpunching the people that drive around in V6 ones. Now, when I see some herpderp driving a 4-cylinder Mustang, I have to resist grabbing the nearest kitten, shoving it down their pants and cockpunching them and the kitty. IMHO, if you

Judging by this, he owns an '93 Camaro.

People who have insane drawing abilities like her impress the hell out of me.

your mom

Now playing

I see your Russian guy and raise you this Japanese one.

Time to refresh the Tasker Recipes article?

Or streaming from a paid subscription with ads. Looking at you Hulu+. Jerkbags.

Just park in a Walmart overnight.