
This is New York Humongous Damn Skyscraper City, right?


Okay, tough guy. Well, prepare to spend quite a lot of time in jail if you actually shoot someone for taking down your “expensive property”.

Request unsalted fries when you order.

“Will Kimball—who is clearly well-versed in German pronunciation, should have seen “Deutchland Deutschland Über Alles” and immediately raised a red flag”

I hate to be a highlight truther, but they were holding him on that play.

Meh. It was an overhand lateral followed by a forward pass, hence the colloquialism “double pass”. This is some weak highlight trutherism.

True. Can’t deny that. Everything you said is true. But...

“Not so tough when you’re outside your cars, are ya?”

Basically all the relevant information in this article is wrong.

Like it or not, that’s not targeting. Safe and legal aren’t the same thing.