As someone who works for a trucking company and hears what our drivers actually do on customer’s premises....this is not too surprising at all.
As someone who works for a trucking company and hears what our drivers actually do on customer’s premises....this is not too surprising at all.
That is a code ID-10-T right there....
Funny you say that. After seeing that test, I sold my GM within a month and bought a Sienna. I’ve owned Toyota’s ever since.
I can’t believe I actually spent money on that shitbox and lived to tell about it.
No wonder people dislike minivans now.
I owned one of these vans in the early 90's. After I saw this test photo, I sold it almost immediately. I had 2 small children at the time and the photo horrified me. I haven’t owned a GM since.
See Jeep’s Grand Cherokee debacle. If it’s not intuitive, people make mistakes. In this case people died. Manufacturers need to realise that changes aren’t always for the better.
Why can’t the Prius have a normal switchgear? The joystick shifter returns to the center position after all actions. I can only assume those who had parking brake failures figured the car was in park. Despite what the video says, why not just make it a normal shifter?
Yes, also alternative spelled as T-r-u-m-p.
Douche? No, twunt in this case.
Well, now I know what hiding an open bag of dog treats under a hood can do. Now just to choose the right neighbour....
Looks like he’s got a new hat too.
Wow, that is some next level assholery. If he isn’t banned, pretty sure he will never find air in his tires ever again.
Keep the dealer service dept. Keep a small lot of demos with no inventory and order the cars from an inventory yard or the factory. Could be done at home or from the dealer, same price. Seems simple but the hard sell, would-rob-his-own-mother finance guy loses his job....
I am not sure what the resistance is to changing to a less dealership driven sales experience? People seem to want it yet dealers try to hang on to the old “fleece the customer as much as you can” sales philosophy. If I could renew my lease on my smartphone and a new car is delivered to me as the old one is picked…
I bet he cleans the house by pulling his trailer through it.
I agree, however, there is human garbage out there that leaves their dog in their car without a second thought. These people clearly need a shock collar and to be told they are bad.
Stop being so glass half-empty, Happy Anniversary VW!
Meanwhile at the manufacturing plant....