.....it’s a Mexican running on a wheel hidden under the rear floor, VW is done with diesel.
.....it’s a Mexican running on a wheel hidden under the rear floor, VW is done with diesel.
The powertrain will be fully electric....however the HVAC and radio will use coal.
....and here’s the production model
*your results may vary.
He’ll be popular in prison....
Got wood?
Because Hello Kitty mother fucker.
As someone who works at a trucking company, NO we do NOT hire rapists. Look elsewhere ya sick fuck.
Dafuq is with the legs Ninja? A video about Oscar Pistorious that I could do with out.
Come at me, bro.
Look up Douche or BMW 5-series owner, same thing. No mention if motorcycles.
Damn, I get up to 60 km/h (37 mph) on my bike and chicken out. That guy has balls of steel.
Automated pedestrians huh,,,,
Intersections are for pedestrians, not cars so the whole theory has a big flaw. I would hope that a sea of vehicles communicating with eachother would be much faster than a sea of distracted, frustrated drivers that have no regard for the other drivers on the road.
Hope they toss that salad reaaaaal good.
This song always reminds me of this scene...
The perp is moving back to Canada.....
First instinct is to stab one and enjoy the reaction.
Love this idea, I would sell my first-born just to avoid the hard-sell finance guy when buying a car.
Pretty sure that black car slamming into a motorcycle sums it up pretty well.