
Man, Carol Channing looks really good for 97!

That was Holiday Inn lounge singer bad.

My wife heard me play this and is now almost on the floor laughing.

1. Is she trying to seduce America?

I think all the paint just fell off my living room walls

Even Mike Pence had to sit down in the middle of that singing of the anthem.

You got it. While I do understand his frustration and powerlessness as a father, I guess I would have seen this as a more “reasonable” reaction had he lost his daughters as he would have nothing to lose. Part of being a parent is understanding you need to take care of yourself to take care of your kids.

I really wish he had left it there. And while I understand his pain and what he was trying to do, it’s just male aggression (justified or not) that serves to traumatize everybody and continue Nassar’s victimization of these women and girls. I know it’s not the popular opinion, but his daughters looked horrified when

“I know we are a nation of laws, and this is a very serious and almost sacred process of deciding how to mete out punishment...but what the guy did was bad, so YOLO, you know? Free shots for everybody.”- No judge who wants to keep their job.

Vigilante justice is not great. Larry’s going to die in prison, no need for anyone else to ruin their life over him.

I don’t think Boston is the big problem. I think Sports Radio in general is the culprit. The entire industry is modeled on artificial conflict and outrage to get listeners. It’s always going to be odious at its core, no matter what city it originates from.

I think it was dumb of Keaton to post the tweet, and dumb of Dunham to comment about the rape accusation against her friend withouth anyone asking her to do so, but I really don’t see what’s wrong with saying sexual assault and pedophilia are wrong, and male entitlement is widespread, while also believing your friend

And the rookies in the secondary are the only reason they had a winning record, much less made the playoffs. The defense was supposed to be awful largely because of how bad the secondary was last year (hell, since before Rob Ryan got there). Williams is a great player who had a rookie mistake on a huge stage. It

What makes the shit talking inexcusable is the only reason the Saints even had a flimsy one point lead was Marcus Williams’ interception

I read a really good analysis which pointed out that while Williams’s error drew all the attention, the defensive setup by the Saints was really questionable from the start as they didn’t have anyone at the back of the field protecting the TD as teams often do with situations like that. That is what ultimately allowed

It’s so bizarre that your comments are alternating between condemning all famous men as rapists and condemning all criticism of a famous man who is a rapist as racist.

Not surprised. He always had a real dirtbag vibe to me.

Uh-Oh here come the control issues.

there’s a lot of reason to hate on Ivanka Trump. That’s fine. She’s corrupt as fuck... but

He likes tits and legs, oh the misogyny!