Ok Boomer
I think you’re memory have gotten tinged with nostalgia. People have been doing dumb peopley things like this since there have been people.
I might be showing my age here, but in the past people tended to think before they did something. I could be wrong.
The script called for Robin to win. The draw was a compromise between the two shows.
“Bruce Lee was God, if you were alive in the 70s” is I think what you meant to say. A huge cross cultural idol that didn’t play sports.
Dick Grayson wasn’t worthy of carrying Kato’s jockstrap.
Wasn’t old enough for the The Green Hornet, but I was old enough for the reruns on FX (back when the channel was new!). That Batman crossover episode is both one of my earliest memories of fan geekdom, as well as one of my earliest memories of fan outrage: Robin fights Kato to a draw? On what planet??!
As someone who, throughout my childhood, grew up with an Enter The Dragon poster on his wall, I’m very much looking forward to this. Bruce Lee was martial arts, if you were born in the 70s, and he definitely was the inspiration to study martial arts when I was a teen and young adult.
A+ to Coburn’s pick. Cruel Angel’s Thesis is my favorite anime opening ever. It’s even my default ring tone.
I’m playing and I’m not annoying, just terrible.
While I’m here this week: Is anyone playing Apex Legends on Xbone? I’m always looking for teammates who aren’t A.) terrible and B.) annoying. Warning: I generally playing in the morning and without a mic. Hit me up if you’re cool: MrLightningB01t.
KOMBATANT: Nigel Tufnel
I feel more like this was season 3's finale done right. All the emotional beats were actually witnessed by the viewer this time around instead of being done offscreen like in season 3. In the end Rick is isolated from the family again, but this time it feels significant and earned, instead of arbitrary like it did…
That’s what I’m getting at, really - the show’s character development is temporary at best and serves the immediate plot rather than a real arc. There were traces of it throughout the last two seasons as the other commenter said, Morty fighting for agency and Summer getting more jaded and lashing out... but they lead…
Rick has always been revealed to be an awful, selfish, piece of shit. The difference between this and the last seasons with that was before, he actually cared about Morty and Summer. But this season he noticeably didn’t. And as I said in my own comment, I wonder if that’s Harmon and Roiland sending a message to the…
But the show does have character development as SkaOreo said. Hell, Space-Beth coming back not only as smart and competent as Rick yet still willing to help others just underlines how much Rick tries to excuse his cruelty and apathy with his intelligence. The show has clearly demonstrated an interest in deconstructing…
The Tonya thing is reference to a joke in the episode. When Tammy blasts into the therapy session Jerry has forgotten her name and calls her Tonya.
Hell if anything with Space-Beth becoming just as smart and competent and smart as Rick yet still willing to help people shows that Rick’s ideology is just the excuse he makes to justify his cruelty towards everyone around him.