
And a sensible response that is!

[Sets explosives, coolly walks away as random buildings blow up in the background without any visible reaction]

I mean, I guess at some point we’re just going to have to come to grips that not everything in a Mortal Kombat game is entirely grounded in reality.

That said, there were a number of things about that sequence that didn’t entirely make sense to me either.

Yeah, I remember how Trump alternated from being a joke to somebody being taken seriously to the guy who couldn’t be bothered to apologize for actions endorsing sexual assault to the lovable caricature who Jimmy Fallon ruffled his hair to bullying and stepping on anybody remotely in his way to somehow winning the

I think they could milk it a bit more what with ~2 months left in Trump’s presidency and rumors he is seriously considering just trying not to leave the White House. True or not, they can probably get some mileage out of that and Trump’s refusal to bow out gracefully.

This is an interesting list and all, but can you please stop with the slideshows? I really hate clicking a dozen or so times to read an article. And I get you probably get paid by the click, but generally I avoid these sorts of things on principle alone. And even when I do click I get annoyed pretty early on and leave.

Valid point. I suppose an ambiguous ending with much more story clearly to be told would be a more accurate description. It at least was an ending and satisfying even if there was clearly a lot more story to be told.

I see your point, but still want more. It was a great show that ended as well as can be expected, but there was so much untapped potential and promise that I still hope somebody does something to...do something!

That said, it works beautifully as a semi-ambiguous mini-series (semi-ambiguous because they said what Britt

Terriers and Awake both had cliffhangers that made me really excited for the next seasons that are never coming. Of these six, Hannibal is one I’m eagerly awaiting.

Also, just because of how old I was when it aired...ALF. Not that I care so much now as the fact that as a kid I sure as hell did!

I think the problem is, the show ended and ended badly. They had run out of ideas years prior and came up with an ending that was hated and satisfied nobody. And that might be a great reason for a redo if not for the fact the show certainly felt like they no longer had a story to tell, and weren’t capable of of coming

Agreed. But (with the caveat I’m not really a historian on the band or expert on their discography) if you were going to give any Motley Crue song the creepy piano trailer music treatment, especially one about a haunted manor, this would be about the only song that think would qualify.

I’m somewhat more interested in the title my mind read this as. Namely The Haunting of Bluth Manor.

Looking back, I still like Steins;Gate Zero. My biggest concern or gripe, I suppose, is the series feels incomplete so I want another season or a epilogue. I’ll need to re-watch the whole thing at one point. I still feel fondly towards Steins;Gate Zero but also feel like it still needs a more complete finish.

Does it

Isn’t this just the asking amount? As in it will definitely be much less when they actually settle?

And if she wants to spend it all frivolously do you approve of that? Because it matters.

Every morning I wake up and scramble some Fabregé eggs.

It’s pretty amazing how much the feel and genre of that changes once you take out Randy Rhoads’ guitar part (not to mention Ozzy’s vocals).

I bet if the Dems confront Mitch and co. with this hypocrisy they’ll find a way to weasel out of it anyway, but I’d still like to see them squirm.

Thanks. Sounds like a very human story. I’m glad it’s something of substance, and I think there’s real value at looking at celebrities as people underneath the fame and status. I also think it’s worth giving people like Paris Hilton a second look, since so much of their fame and notoriety can be tied to negative

I think for me it was less about faith over science so much as how it seemed to abandon science and in some cases logic and switched to a more fantasy-based element. I also think it made some narrative decisions apart from that which didn’t hold up, came across as nonsensical at times, and then threw in faith-based