Dave G

Some of us are just doomed to greyness.

Will Franco finally get to make his dream come true - a steamy sex scene with himself?

I keep telling you stupid, stupid theater chains: start policing your fucking auditoriums and throw out people who are on their fucking phones or are chatting away like they’re watching a movie in their living room.

We did it, everybody! We survived the Kinja Apocalypse! Oh yeah, and season one of THE MIST, ba-dum *tiiisshhhh*

It seems in general the further right one is the tougher it is to create meaningful art or humor. I’ve never quite understood why but there’s definitely a correlation there. Also fuck yeah Square One TV

“Is this thing on?”

this show was so bad, it made me get a Kinja account just to complain about it

And the implication (if not explicitation) that there’s only room for one strong woman character, and that they must all be compared to just one other! And “overly-sexualized”? One of the delights of the film is that she WASN’T inappropriately sexualized! That’s like that old man character in “Bloom County” who hits

Val Kilmer’s ready to squeeze back into that suit!

The AV Club had a community where the articles were often considered secondary to the comments. Kinja becomes functionally impossible to have a long conversation on because the lack of nested comments and the weird comment system mean that it becomes impossible pretty quickly to figure out what comment is responding

Well, I did the “Claim your account” thing and it took me to a Disqus page, then the browser just closed. Am I verified? I fucking hate this already.