
Four or five months is soon?

Besides, if the rumors are true, and Johto is coming in December, it’ll get revitalized. There’s still a lot of features they said would be implemented that haven’t arrived yet. It’ll take longer than four or five months.

Touche, but then again, did anyone expect them to actually do something worthwhile on mobile? They’re definitely showing signs of changing, ever slow as it is. It’s not unreasonable to hope for cool features like that, especially because Nintendo is all about “bringing people together”.

You could have an opt-in option, or a friends-only option.

Is collecting things pointless?

Pokemon Go won’t die anytime soon. They have so much source material to build off of, it’s insane.

Gizmodo - where hope for the future dies in the hands of clickbait-y list articles

There’s too many variables for this to be a good test. An idle phone doesn’t idle the same at every time during the day, or from one day to the next. Different apps still run, even in airplane mode. I suppose if you looked at your battery usage over time for each session, you might be able to make a case for

As this is RAM manifested in-game, as in non-volatile memory, I don’t think it would render the cartridge unusable. You’re not modifying the ROM at all. At the worst, you’d have to take the battery out and put it back in to clear the RAM.

Is there somewhere I can submit my levels for you to play?