
I think Mo'Nique's point was linked to her comedy career - she was used to getting paid per gig, and the idea of doing the promo circuit without pay wasn't something she thought movie stars did. Gabourey Sidibe, OTOH, did all that extra crap, and look at her - after "Precious", we see Gabourey in TV, movies, and

I am very sympathetic to that line of thinking. It objectively seems fair that what isn't in a contract should require additional compensation. It is also very naive, short-sighted and won't make you successful. The short answer is that many of us have to do things we don't want, and that aren't in an employment

I would disagree. Just like with any system, there are numerous ways to obtain power (as in money, influence, ability to do what you want), and many more ways to squander it. A good agent can get a mediocre pretty/bland actor/actress a good role that makes a lot of money, but an even better agent can make a business