
Joined Marvel Unlimited recently and have been reading X-Men from the very beginning up until I had originally jumped on around the Fall of the Mutants. I'd read some isolated stories from those eras (Dark Phoenix, Days of Future Past, etc.) but reading them in order really shows the growth and progression. Kind of

Second Suicide Squad. And you don't have to be a DC guy to appreciate the character work and plotting - I wasn't.

I think spandex would help you get it on, but taking that stuff off … different story. Maybe that's just one of the many crappy things about being Marrow - inordinate amount of time spent changing in and out of clothes.

Not a fan of the Jim Lee New 52 redesigns, too busy and clunky. Some good did come out the redesigns though - I thought Cliff Chiang's Orion looked terrific - kept the essence of the character while bringing him more up to date.

I always excused the lack of crotch with the reasonable assumption that every male hero wore a cup under the spandex. I would certainly want to, with all the punches and kicks and bricks flying at me :)

Sure, Savage Dragon was fine - he just wore a police uniform for quite a while. Super Patriot, on the other hand, looked awful, with the yellow shirt, the cybernetic Cable limbs, and the flag codpiece.

Honestly, I was thinking more in terms of how she would get the clothes over all those jutting bones.

Hadn't seen that. Pretty good, actually. Certainly better than the recent garbage Finch designed for her (not sexist, just unflattering).

Dig the Marrow design, but how would she ever get that thing off to use the bathroom (frankly a major question in most traditional spandex costumes anyway - we put our daughter in tankinis instead of one pieces when swimming just to solve that problem)? Seriously though, Anka, Campbell and Doyle are doing yeoman's

I'd like to see more characters looking towards Kirby-era Galactus as a fashion template. More big hats!

Desperately need an omnibus of the old Ostrander Suicide Squad. Amazing how well that stuff holds up.

I like Midtown's loyalty plan, but grew up two blocks from the Village FP, and used to practically live in there, back when they had an extensive downstairs with back issues and creepy masks.

You are not the only one who enjoyed Avengers Arena. For all that book got crapped on, it was well written and gorgeously drawn. I just wish the sequel hadn't slipped away from the author, and that Kev Walker had been able to do all issues. Watching Deathlocket suddenly turn into a tall, skinny '90s character was

I do remember that moment being rather shocking. Of course, they then pretty much completely blew off all of those plotlines in the final few issues.

Judging by the first issues is not really giving it a fair shake. Admittedly, most of the New Universe was pretty piss poor. I liked Spitfire, but I was 10, and even then I recognized that it was not very good.

Haven't checked out any of the new Valiant stuff, but the first year or two of the original under Shooter was great (though it has not aged so well).

Such good stuff. Once Gruenwald and Diamondback were gone, so was I.