Dauragon C. Mikado

Hahah that reminds me of when I was a kid playing SF2. My dad was like that too. "hit the buttons" "no no use the low kick" "yeah keep using the fireballs!" hahahahahaha! Oh memories!

Wow, this game could have been so rad.

hahah I love how the one time I get somewhat mentioned in a kotaku article, I find out about it almost a month later XDDDD.

Hahah awesome!!! I wonder who these guys are!?

@Briz9: I guess you never read the comics eh?

bow bow chicka chicka wow wow

Yar har fiddle de de

"Let's Play Doctor"

@tony_important: Oh man I remember being so happy when I read that in a gamepro mag back in the day. I was like "CURVED ROADS!? HELLS YES!" \o/

@DaveKap: I'm in group 3: People who stopped watching when it stopped being The Screen Savers.

Aww man!

This reminds me that i still have no idea how to play any cardgames.

@Deaf Mute: Maybe it takes a week or two on Law and Order, but in real life these things usually take a while. People go off the grid, other cases come up, lots of things slow the process down.

I would love to meet Billy Mitchel

I for one, am glad to see JRPG's on 360. Since I do not own a PS3 and maybe won't own one for at least another year.

Where did all of these COD4 detractors come from?

Yippie-Ki-yay Melonfarmer

Aw man i wish i was into soul calibur

@Barts: "Kingdom Hearts is another mash-up I quite honestly can't grok. How is Pluto plus Jack Sparrow combo supposed to be fun, again?"

This is why competition is ESSENTIAL! :D