
I hope they don’t do a Hangover 2 in the sequel. Deadpool was an amazing movie, but Fox could rush things making DP an annoying (not fun) franchise.

Please clap.

Notice that the red arrow points to the right.

Hillary Clinton:

I would do horrible things to get a new State of Emergency. That was one of my favorite Ps2 games, and I’d love to see what they would do with the art style with today’s tech. It would have to remain cartoonish and silly because of how gleefully violent it is.

I use ‘guys’ to refer to people of both genders.

He really was just wondering where that fish did go.

What John Cena one? I can’t see him.

Pretty sure that’s Gene after he’s finally reached his limit.

That’s interesting that The Next Generation of people living in this universe don’t actually know what happened 30 years ago.

“Went to @schwankekasten jewelry today in White-Fish Bay during regular business hours . They locked the door and told me to go away .”

“for what object is more worthless than man?”

“Once again I have cut a worthless object.”

Right? How embarrassing. I AM A POWERFUL COSMIC ENTITY.....wait are you holding a baseball bat? GET AWAY!!!! AAHHSDFGHLSKFJSDF

I highly recommend Boll’s “Postal: The movie”. So many layers of crap, it spun around the good/bad continuum twice before arriving back at “Good”. TBH, I wouldn’t begrudge anyone for not thinking so.

I’m sill waiting for Rockstar to fix the broken matchmaking so I can do something other than sit in an empty lobby and invite the violent morons from freemode

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