
Ugh. You do know his claws are bone. He didn’t get adamantium bones until later. He’s always had regeneration, super strength and senses.

I put so many hours into this game. Playing with Wakka for so long, all you hear is bender from futurama (now Jake from adventure time).

GIVE ME MORE KINGPIN!!!!!! fuck I love D’Onofrio’s Kingpin more than anyone in Daredevil.

People comply and still get shot. you get hurt/die either way.

People comply and still get shot. you get hurt/die either way.

OMG yes, insurance fraud standalone. There is NEVER enough insurance fraud in these games and it’s no fun just repeating the same mission when it’s already finished and there’s no reward. Same with tony hawk underground or whatever game it was that had wreck yourself missions. There was like 3 of those?

That game gave us everything we didn’t get in the latest GTA of that era. If they could have polished it off, balanced it out more, and made the story a bit longer and intriguing, 3 and 4 would have beaten the hell out of GTA 4 and 5.

Meh, gat out of hell is like 5 minutes that could have been thrown on the last saints row game.

It doesn’t compare to blops 1 zombies though. That was perfection.

install it, then do a fresh install because you can do that from within the OS now. or from the f8 at startup menu i believe.

Do you even drink beer? Tsing Tao is legit.

If it was a crime of necessity, maybe, but this was a crime of LUXURY. The guy had something they wanted and felt they deserved more even though they couldn’t afford it.

Dad of War.

If you have a real 4k display, then you might benefit from it. If you want an unencumbered VR experience, then you might benefit from it. If neither of these applies to you, then you’re all set with what you got.

god I hope that the stinger in Doctor Strange is ghost rider.

Do you want to get punched in the face? Because that’s how you get punched in the face.

Did you not see the entire motorcade rolling by literally seconds after he got dropped?

It is the god damned president of the united states of america police escorted motorcade. which is protected by a New York Police Department blockade. Shut the fuck up with your dumb ass. This shit was on the news, in print, and planned well ahead of time. He deserved everything he got being fucking oblivious to the

If it were you, would you prefer to be hit by a motorcade, or a fat cop?

He was told to stop. They were shouting. He wasn’t stopping. The motorcade was bearing down the road and you see it pass not long after he was tackled. How are they supposed to know what his intention was? Could you tell if he had a gun, a bomb, or was trying to slow the motorcade to enable someone to come out of the