
Doubtful, remember he said he liked the Bauhaus version of Ziggy Stardust better than his.

Here’s a great idea, let’s do things just to do them.

This offends the fuck out of me. I can’t even.

Hey, you’re a fucking cool guy. Wanna fuck off too? fuck off cool guy.

That’s what I was wondering.


Oh Danny boyyyyyy....

Nail 1 in the coffin.

That looks satisfying.

Fuck that guy, and fuck wildtangent.

they wanted the attention though.

I’m a systems administrator for a major public school district. Computer time 24/7.

They need to step the fuck up, or back the fuck off. Nintendo is really getting on my nerves these last couple of decades.

all of this shit coming out about nintendo completely screwing the pooch on online content with mario maker has totally turned me off of buying a wii u.

It’s tough as a mother. Google the return of the hylian trilogy. You’ll need the old free version of xpadder to use a gamepad with it, but the last 2 games are SOLID GOLD. I spent longer playing those games than it took to beat LTTP 3 times. highly recommend playing these.

Maybe it will go back to being about hardware than software?


the “bad” one looks good for a cover box or steel book. the “good” one is fucking tits.

does a quit not count as a loss?