
I wish they would just release the blops zombies mode standalone. it was so god damned perfect. blops 2 zombies lost all the magic.

no you don’t. i hate them.

could you just shut the fuck up, please? thanks. get back to your 8th grade history class.

my gut says lack of insurance would be listed as well. my license is expired, but my insurance is still legit. my tags are also expired. i haven’t renewed because i’m moving soon and i want the proper address on all my documentation, and i can’t afford renewal because i just paid deposit and first months rent on my

fuck you.

fuck you.

I think it starts with china.

the challenege was to donate money, make your video and challenge other people to do the same. raise awareness AND donate. but slacktivists just did the video part.

it’s called slacktivism.

*9 meters.

unless you have armor piercing ammo, and your ak is full auto... never mind, you don’t stand a chance at all. they will come in flash bangs first, and full auto once they see the ak. you’re a fucking r-e-t-a-r-d.

LMFAO!!!!! i have one of these, it comes with instructions. not that you need them. common sense dictates you don’t fill the container all the way, and you cover the hole as you strike it. what a maroon.

are you from the past?

isn’t iron man/war machine supposed to be on this bubble?

dude, the fucking boxes were ridiculous dating back to 1.6, maybe even since the beginning.

u got rekt m9.

seriously. and how in the hell do people not want to join a heist/mission? or join and then leave right when the mission is about to begin? why do people insist on replaying titan of a job over and over when the payout is nothing? i hate people who play gta online, because they DON’T.

god created statham to play agent 47, why the FUCK hasn’t he done it yet? they got that dumbass stoner from those bad 90’s movies instead? bad coke in hollywood, man.

that’s probably the bear grylls signature survival knife. $19.95 at walmart.

you mean BEST.