Best Christian film? Life of Brian.
Best Christian film? Life of Brian.
Glad to see all of these useless center-right folks who have been saying “tsk tsk” at Trump for the last year can still manage to also hop on the shame wagon for Bee.
I deputize you to police all Denny’s bathrooms. I’ll get you a nice sash with “Toilet Police” on it so that everyone knows you care way too fucking much where people potty.
Fuck right off with you, shitbag.
Find your bridge, troll.
The fact that white people look at this scenario and think the cops did the right thing by checking this woman’s papers is the actual entire problem.
Hey, friendly reminder.
Pfft. Going to war. If Trump really wants to distract from Comey’s book, he should release his taxes and the pee tape, admit he owes billions to Russian oligarchs, and then hang himself. That’d show him!
Maybe if your show’s been on so long that one of your first characters is now a modern version of Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, you should just make something new.
I can’t believe this show is still on, but I can believe a show that stopped being funny 20 years ago has writers and producers this out of touch with the current cultural climate of America.
Damn, I would have killed to have so many girls interested in mainstream gaming when I was in high school. All these boys are lacking vision: a shared interest is an unbeatable icebreaker. Dumbasses.
And then he went on to say, “Buenas tardes” to Rep. Grijalva, “Ciao ciao” to Rep. Napolitano, “Woof!” to Rep. Labrador, “’sup?” to Rep McEachin, “Auf Wiedersehen” to Rep. Radewagen, and just shrugged in Rep. Gohmert’s direction.
Sir, I may not agree with the precise aesthetic in which you couched your expression of the same opinions I broadly hold, but I will defend to the death your right to be paid mid-six figures to say it without ever facing the approbation of college students
Dear Tomi Lahren:
It’s not one or the other. Don’t ask me to shut my brain off during a movie. I’ll just rewatch Mad Max: Fury Road which is perfect and shiny and chrome and perfect for every brow.
Well, I say this as a person, Joel;
Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.
The most just system is to automatically restore all civic rights after a felon’s sentence (meaning conviction, incarceration, and any post-release probation) ends, assuming the person registers to vote. None of this applying bullshit. If your sentence is over, that means the law thinks you have been adequately…
fuck you and your facts