
Right! I feel like I'm quickly outgrowing consoles and I'm only 24. I'm learning I'd rather spend money on PC parts.

That's the thing - I definitely used to buy consoles because they made the best games with arguably the best tech. I own at least one console of every gen and love my 360 selection of games. I guess they have to show me what they can do with the hardware. I've got a 5770 in my rig and can't even run BF3 at the highest

I understand this, but not to the extremes you're implying. Memory is dirt cheap, so that's really not an issue. 4GBs of RAM can handle 99% of PC users memory needs within Windows. Games will still look like they're on that video card and that's depressing - especially since they'll be limited to that for ~5-7 years.


So, my mid range gaming console I built in May 2009 will be more powerful than the newest Xbox in November 2013? Facepalm. I'm really thinking about skipping this generation of consoles.

I'd say 75% of the servers I've played on have unreal sounds...even 10 years ago.

I love how Deadspin was mentioned in the Time Picayune today in New Orleans. Good job finding him!

If I had the Optima engine tune, AWD, and an LSD, I'd need new tires every month. One can dream!

I know they have an aftermarket turbo now, but I really wished I had a factory installed turbo and a LSD on my Forte Koup SX 6spd.

Yeah, there's a nice size kink in it like he's describing. Building a new one would shut traffic down completely for an extended period of time and cost a lot more money. Louisiana does not have money.

Absolutely the scariest bridge I've ever been on. However, I haven't been on it since they've started the lane widening on it.

Metro is a fun game, though the formula does get tiring by the end. It's pretty challenging, too. Make sure you have a pretty good gaming rig to run it on max unless you like slideshows.


SC1 + 2. Maybe the original Red Alert and Age of Empires 2. It's really hard to hold a candle to the Starcraft series though.

Regret wasting my time on it. :/

Shine Runner is a very short and boring game. I got it for 10 cents yesterday and regret it. The controls are barely tolerable and the trading system is pointless. You could traverse the map from left to right and destroy everything in your path by running into and it doesn't matter. You race against a clock for a

A normal vitamin doesn't have enough (fat soluble) A, D, E, and K to overdose you. All the others (water soluble) you piss out the excess amounts before your body can absorb. However, Vitamin C can cause diarrhea if taken is massive doses.

didn't see it on the westbank. oh well. I'm sure I'll see it as I'm always on the road for work.

are you joking? SegaNet was really the first viable online platform. Sports games, FPS, Chu Chu Rocket. It was amazing on practically no lag via dialup.

I think I've seen the R34 once a few cars ahead, but he got off I10 right when I started speeding up. Didn't believe what I saw, so I wrote it off.