Overclocking and Chainfire will solve your problems if it doesn't come out for it.
Overclocking and Chainfire will solve your problems if it doesn't come out for it.
Honestly, with a good overclock and Chainfire(with the right plugins), you should be able to get this to run fine. I have a Thunderbolt (oc'd to 1.8ghz) and runs all the Tegra and HD games like buttah dawlin
Samsung. Yuck. Had a Moment, so I can assure when you buy a Samsung Android product there's like no support after a year, tops. I'm liking my HTC Thunderbolt, but that's only because CM7 is awesome. Stock Droids from what people have told me seem to be the suck.
DC controller was the greatest of it's time! I could never play Soul Calibur, Ikaruga, MvC2, etc. without it. It was never awkward to hold (unless you had small, carnie hands) and obviously you didn't use one enough to fully determine it's function.
I lived across the street from there for a couple years while attending LSU and worked at the bar where Jamarcus Russel and his cronies got in a similar barfight (minus Marine). I just don't understand why these guys put their career on the line for this bullshit. Everyone knows who they are; were they expecting to…
yeah, agreed. I like the styling of it's brother, the Forte better anyways. (2010 Forte Koup driver)
Hah. wow, I really want to load up Just Cause 2 again. Been a while. Thanks!
Been playing through CoE since release slowly, don't wanna just plow on through and not get anymore levels for another 10 years. It's a beautiful game, but damn it's no Rez. I don't have a Kinect, but will plan on getting one if they come down in price soon just for this game. Rez just had a feel to it that it was…
On the original Rez on DC, I have all 5 areas 100%, shot down 100%, support item 100%(i think one area might not be 100% support)
it does on 360. can't see why not on PS3.
and they all looked and ran like buttah, dahlin in 640 x 480. <3 Native VGA.
Hah, got that on the Saturn!
3.2GHz stock, I run mine at 4.1GHz on all 4 cores when gaming with a Hyper 212+ with 5 case fans. Only game that's given me trouble has Metro 2033 with DX11 features on, but that's because it's poorly optimized and I have a 5770. I don't see Battle field being too much for the 955BE and a 460/
When it was released, it was a fresh take on the FPS genre and had a decent storyline. As others have pointed out, it's not anything like this. Worth playing if you're looking for a decent game, as it's dirt cheap now. If you can find it at GS, it's like $3.
yeah, I'm more than ok using just my controller. Prob the way most die-hard Rez fans will like anyways.
Hah, my EMS service is actually featured in Stay Alive. I know exactly where they shot all of the movie, but I never noticed that.
Just preordered Child of Eden! Got the preorder bonus poster from GameStop. Been waiting for this game since I was in immediate awe and wonder when first playing Rez on my DC in '01. I don't have a Kinect, but probably will get one eventually once they drop a little in price just for this game. Sooooooo excited.
Really doubt its gonna be on par with a 5770. DX11 + too much $$$...would cost 1/3 of the system. I would say DX10, but purely speculation.
needs three boobs.