
Naysayers like you certainly don’t help tech progress quicker

“Pretty sure that’s a lambo” is my favorite automotive meme of all time

The exclusivity makes sense. It’s early software, they won’t kill themselves to bring it to everyone when it’s not as polished as they’d like.


With the extra go-fast parts aside, the new ground effects really wrap the car up, I think. It goes from track-competent luxo-coupe to Apex predator. I love it

It’s gonna be mine one day

People say that like Tesla can’t step their game up. Yet, once competition speeds up in the premium electric vehicle segment, you can count on the fact that they’ll be two steps ahead. Indeed, by the time Porsche puts out an EV comparable to the Model S, Tesla will have produced and shipped a car to compete with the

Ha-ha, Panamera owners know what race tracks are?

Perhaps the haters will be more willing to appreciate Nicki once they see the car she drives. Please, unite as Jalops and appreciate the cars!

Hey, I found a 12 year old!

a tl;dr of Jalopnik readers looking at a new car design:

I suggest you take some notes, he’s very obviously a renowned backseat designer ;)

It’s like shopping at a store. People see a high price and put whatever they were considering down, they don’t wanna waste time trying to get the seller to lower it.

Except there’s no loss of life here. Only progress.

I just don’t think it looks as good as the Fiesta. Besides, the Fiesta’s name can be abbreviated to FiST.

I love the coupes. Enjoy!

Not having ABS isn’t a total hazard, provided one knows to pump the brakes manually if they’re locked up.

God Bless America. Average citizen sees fit to shoot people in the face when they behave in unsavory ways.

Who needs BT music streaming when the engine provides the soundtrack? :)

I mean it’s heavily futuristic because it had to be Will Smith’s car in iRobot.