
Only people that mention President Barack Obama as half-white, are white people who need to convince themselves he’s an acceptable black man. He’s not racially ambiguous in looks or identity. The story of John Henry losses it’s depth if he isn’t US-black, African-American, or whatever form of black former slave you

Damn, you really missed the mark and the point, and took so many words to do so.

One of these men is black in word and deed...I’ll leave you to figure out which.

That was a good short. The Disney shorts they have (had?) up on Netflix are fantastic and definitely worth watching.

Yup. Because lordt knows a leading lady can’t be darker than her leading man...🤨

To make it fair to everyone, John Henry’s wife will actually be played by a light skinned Latina or East Asian. lol

+1 for Santorum reference

This motherfucker is a pus filled, Santorum covered genital wart on the ass of humanity. Trash is too good a descriptor for his rancid ass. 

I want to hold a Haters Ball so much. 😂

I’m still waiting for the Smith and Wesson version of this ad.

I blame Tiger Woods. Remember that weird ass commercial after all his scandals broke with his dead father voiced over a solemn looking Tiger saying shit like “What are thinking” (and it turned out, obviously, his father was talking about something else entirely, like a tournament where he kept missing fairways or

When the fuck did the “apology commercial” become a thing? Facebook, Uber, Wells Fargo and now Papa Johns? I mean, it’s not even that I hate that they’re all insincere pandering (which they are) but you’re a fucking brand doing what it’s function. Facebook made it’s billions collecting your fucking data and target

Shitting my brains out the next day comes to mind

First they need to apologize for what they did to pizza.

I think we can both agree that Brady is substantially better than Nick Foles. It is much more of a story that Foles tore up our defense, than it is that we tore up their’s, I think.

I will see the Pats and their MAGA-stan/labradoodle QB knocked down a peg at any price.

There is no plague in sports worse than New England fans so, in a way, Bill Belichick coached long enough to be the hero.

Thank you Bill.

Yeah. As a neutral observer, I wanted to see the humble fans of New England prevail because they always handle victory with unimaginable class.

Those aren't real fans. For the real fans it still hasn't sunk in yet that the Eagles won the Super Bowl.

Malcolm Butler is the randomly most impactful player in NFL history. He changed the course of TWO Super Bowls and played a grand total of 1 important play.