Please, for the love of god strip this idiot of his titles and send him the way of Lance Armstrong. I would be sooooooooo happy.
Please, for the love of god strip this idiot of his titles and send him the way of Lance Armstrong. I would be sooooooooo happy.
because it is absolutely stupid? “Certain people should hold all the power over society” You do understand that this is what you ignorant fucks keep saying over and over and over again with this gun control idiocy right? You do understand that when your whiny ass is in trouble, you are calling a gun to come save you…
People on this site have no recollection of anything because none of these people have A.) never had to defend anything worth defending and B.) have no fucking clue what the right to bare arms means. Honestly, none of them. I personally have, and let me tell you, a gun is why I am alive and the god damn mugger is…
You are an idiot
no one is interested in crossfit people but crossfit people
People are starting to wake up and realize that our entertainment revolves around gladiatorial games still. This is a good thing. Now we just need to figure out how to funnel the disgust to a detriment to these institutions.
I mean, grown men having to be taught common courtesy and understanding. I think this should have been covered before they ended up being paid millions of dollars to play a game designed for 9 year olds. But I suppose it is asking too much to be decent human beings.
this guy fucks
Don’t even respond to these cops. Lets just get this out of the way. The only people who support cops, are fellow cops. Every positive remark I see towards policeman, I automatically assume it is another cop making the comment. No sane person in the United States of America is on the side of police. None.
spot on. mcgregor had lost the fight and mendes gassed. Did you see the pitiful look he gave the ref? Aldo will dismantle him
This comment section is officially taken over by shills for this movie. Like. Seriously. The greys are pure hate for this movie, the highlighted posts are asinine praise which is completely unwarranted. I don’t....I don’t even..
I would agree with you IF there were no extenuating circumstances for why the victim did not show up in hardy’s case, why communication was so “shady” with ray rice/video and NFL execs and police, annnnd peterson’s situation is well, if he didn’t have the money for the lawyers he has, would you think he would get what…
I used to watch the NFL and enjoy football. Now, after everything that has transpired within the league and around it, I am sorry, but I will not be tuning into the NFL this season. I do not want my eyeballs supporting criminal enterprises that hide their members from facing justice. Hows rugbys administration? Do…
the moment I hear someone go “uh” with that less than 10 IQ tone of voice, I immediately know that they deserve whatever insanely stupid shit is coming their way, its the voice of the street saying “ Do not waste resources on me, I am worthless “
McGregor v Mayweather. Now, that is a fight I would gladly flush $100 down the drain on.
This is a weekly occurrence. Destiny players, you are in an abusive relationship. Stop putting up with it and leave already.
No retiring allowed, must fight until bones turn to dust inside the octagon. Die a warrior’s death for our entertainment. All hail Caesar.
the comment is aimed at all the blowhards talking about Lebron is > everyone and anyone on his team. Including his coach. That’s not how team sports work.
It is easy to see who has never played a team sport. Last I checked, basketball is a team sport.