
Soccer is a joke

its his fake attitude. skill has nothing to do with attitude. Lebrons attitude? ME ME ME ME. Go play tennis brah, you are on a 5 man team. Best in the world? Ok dude, go out on the court 1 on 5. Hope your teammates enjoy playing with a dude who doesn’t need them.

Heres hoping you are never solo with her because she seems like a monster.


also bring some perfume to spray up your nose after all the mouth breathing bloggers walk by you. its exactly like comic con when it comes to hygiene.

So the thieves stole about $100 worth of clothes that are insanely marked up. Neat story guys!

Go watch it and prove yourself wrong.

Did you not watch the fight? Cormier got dismantled like a high school wrestler trying to learn how to shoot.

Fuck Dana White

Newsflash, they aren’t even in the 1%. Stop fooling yourselves. Jay Z the penultimate black role model for wealth? If so, that is a sad state of affairs. He is worthless to the 1%.

Nope! Not gunna happen.

Nope! Not gunna happen.

Great title, bad article.

You forgot this -*

Dallas Cowboy rep further noted, “Not all of our players get bused to the game in a correctional facility bus, but the ones that do, we pay top dollar for.”

I was wondering that as well!

I wouldn’t say that. Hulks emotions stopped him for once. That was the point of him staring at innocent people. It was not the Hulkbuster.

greatest boxer who has ever lived? hHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAA

Keep em coming, all of these asshats deserve to be shamed. “its business” is not an excuse.


You will find out that these trolls are actually fully uniformed policemen. I kid you not. The worst of our society hides behind a badge and a computer screen.