No lie, I recently wound up in a campsite next to a woman who sounded very much like Babette, down to subject matters. She was also loud. It made it easier to tolerate her, though she still got on my nerves over time.
No lie, I recently wound up in a campsite next to a woman who sounded very much like Babette, down to subject matters. She was also loud. It made it easier to tolerate her, though she still got on my nerves over time.
... all the feels.
... I completely forgot?
And also why no one should get married!
Meh. It’s just hair. If someone screwed mine up on purpose because of a conversation, they’d be hearing from my lawyer pretty quickly. Meanwhile I’d just cut it all off and wear a scarf or hat...
Cognitive Dissonance.
“Good to see the Jensens are focusing on the important issues like being non-apologetic bigots and not idiotic things like teaching their kids about acceptance and loving your neighbor/fellow man.”
What the hell is ‘ready to wear’? Shouldn’t ALL clothes available at retail be ‘ready to wear’?
U-line, my friend.
I have voices for both my cats. One often acts completely derpy so he gets a funny voice. The other one is smart and devious so he gets the ‘evil genius’ voice.
Several of my friends have pet accounts on facebook. It’s a little disconcerting, but one in particular is hilarious.
Good to know, thanks.
Question, since I’m new to the sodium citrate - does it have issues with tomato? I tried to half ass a salso con queso in the microwave but forgot to add the citrate until after the salsa, and the cheese refuses to be smooth. Thinking the tomato juice interferes with the process.
“The other morning, I woke up to her gently extending her claws into my scalp as I slept, as though to see if I was dead enough for her to safely strip the flesh from my face or to test my suitability as a scratching surface. As though checking to see if I could ever bring her joy like an infinity symbol-shaped loop…
I know the feeling. First I stumbled upon a few of her Youtube videos and was like... damn it, I like this, HOW. And then she started making statements recently and I’m like FFFFFFFFokayfineIlikeher
Heeey! We have found the first true Internet Psychic! (TM)
I have tried to go there many times, because I am of the Geek People, but your diagnosis is correct. I just can’t reconcile it.
Hell, I just spent two days camping with 25-35 YO women, and we were doing our best impressions of 14 YO boys...
I believe in aging with grace. Probably helps that I seem to have a ‘Rogue’ streak going on, but I’m not banishing the hair dye from my life just yet, in case I have need of it.
No, you don’t. I didn’t either, not sure I still do. I suppose perhaps it takes losing one or both parents, having to fumble your way into a ‘life’, which could be primarily as a spouse... or a business person... or a combination of those, or other things. My best friend is visiting me now because my father passed…