
Actually, military personnel use both, regularly, because they have a legitimate need to discuss different accommodations for the genders during the course of training or active duty missions. Yes there are misogynists in the military, but despite that it's a normal part of every day life.

Must. Go. Now. Kawaiiiiiiii...

Clearly this cat does not understand its role in the world.

I love birds, but pigeons annoy me. Also, mourning doves, because they are basically pigeons (in my opinion, at least), and they've been congregating at my feeders which means now my patio is disgusting. I'm hoping the local hawk starts nabbing them because they're fat and dumb and messy...

Mine was a case of not having cable, but right there with you. PBS had some fun stuff.

I have never been in a *conflict*, I have been in controlled training fights. I've certainly never attacked anyone, no matter how badly I wanted to. You're defending him for beating a person - 'the one video where him and his friend beat up a guy was pretty justified if you ask me'.

You don't seem to understand what professional help entails. Medication, which can be helpful when administered properly, is not the whole of it. Lots and lots of therapy and behavioral stuff goes into it too.

"him and his friend beat up a guy" =/= "Not a violent person"

Check yourself, son. Beating someone is violence. I don't care what it was about, it's violence.

If he's a paranoid schizophrenic, which he appears to be, I wouldn't take any chances with thinking it's a parody. Someone should do whatever the MA equivalent of a mental health hold is on this guy...

I like the national parks/monuments etc up there, is the thing. I could definitely do without the politics.

I have a very in depth idea of what I'm missing and mostly I'm ok with it. Except for the Dakotas, but only in summer. You couldn't pay me enough to go there in winter.

Probably because the rest of us are getting tired of the 'Help, help! I'm being oppressed!' attitude from people such as those mentioned in the anecdote.

I'm honestly happy that Wegmans (awesome grocery chain) does 100% ID, because it avoids most of this nonsense. I also know why - they were unsuccessfully sued by the parents of some teens who bought alcohol with a fake ID, and after that the entire chain was all 'NOPE, ID or no sale'. Most of the clerks don't even

Why does this remind me of Doctor Seuss, only vaguely abusive?

True story, when I was in Basic Training, I spontaneously earned the nickname Daria. I wore it proudly.

Some have, I don't remember where I read about it but a doctor who remained anonymous wrote a fairly high profile article about it a year or so ago. Wish I could remember, I'd link it for you. Basically the doc said if you won't vaccinate, GTFO and don't come back. Not like Ped/GP doctors are hurting for patients.

I raised an eyebrow at it too, although I kind of understand the point. The phrasing could maybe use a tweak.

I'm now going to use that quote to refer to anyone I think should stop existing (admittedly few people if I'm being honest). No one will understand what I mean and I'm fine with that.

That depends on the state. NY for example, doesn't have battery in the statutes. Article 120...

I love that episode, and also that someone has FINALLY found a way around the ban on putting clips of that on YT.