You should be complaining that sites like Jalopnik continue to take advantage of your dreams by posting concept art as news, just to draw more click-throughs.
You should be complaining that sites like Jalopnik continue to take advantage of your dreams by posting concept art as news, just to draw more click-throughs.
You don’t read good.
The FPS makes it kinda hard to watch
Oh, don’t get your knickers in a bunch. I was being funny. 😋
now you just look like a bitch
It’s worth an hour writing an article to complain about it, but not worth spending $80 and five minutes to fix it? Priorities, man.
Being an IT Director doesn’t mean you know IT. Being a tech in IT means you know IT. Directors hardly know jack about the actual work being done.
I think it’s because you are an IT director.
Sadest IT Director who ever lived. I had your job, this is a cake walk by comparison. You’ll have a harder time deciding what to play next than you will installing this drive.
Jeez, do you even read your own site?
You sound like an IT director.
Shhh here is a secret, Upgrade your hard drive. Shhhhhh don’t tell anyone, it’s a secret.
(rushes in, out of breath)
Tay Zonday, Rebecca Black, Psy, and this guy have a special place in hell for terrible Youtube songs that some how become popular despite everyone hating them.
True, but once you get past a certain threshold money doesn’t matter. There are people who get a new $1500 video card (or two, or three, or four) every 6 months even when it’s only a 5% performance increase. I’m assuming that stuff like this would be for them.
Oh of course. Great game. Also Wolfenstein 3D was a “maze game” if she asked me.
Yes. This.
Tsk tsk, scapegoating the south lets the rest of the country pretend this doesn’t happen in their own back yards!
Yes, because all LGBT relationships are drama free and no gay people are attention seekers. Those are 100% straight people things.