
so you’re smarter than a biologist?

Yeah but think of it this way, you had fun when you were young and good looking. Who wants to sleep around with women in their 40's? Id rather be banging 20 yr olds while i can and then trade it in for a wife when im older.

not too late for #3...

Well he does write for kotaku so.....

I personally would get one in the dark blue color if i could ever afford one.

Yes there are still some delusional people out there that think it will get better.

I guess the channel owner wasnt paying up then, sucks.

Because you can stop every gnat and fly from getting into your house? ever heard of spiders? mosquitoes? judging by your name though you live in NYC and in a multilevel apartment building which im sure doesnt have those same problems as living on the gulf coast of Texas does.

u mad?

Exactly, he actually had a voice and still only lasted about a year or so. This is just some stupid unfunny shit meme like gangam style.

Just get a Pi3 with retroPi and have every game you want...

so a Taurus SHO?

yum, lukewarm water with possible bugs in it...

Not in my house, ever.

How much of the work does the tools do? Ive never seen one before so im not sure. If its simple then im not really impressed.

While paRappa was way better than this turd, im pretty sure the millions of youtube views the ppap video has had made him a lot of money.

Dont worry, this guy will go the way of Tay Zonday soon and youll never hear of him again.......hopefully.

Good. The ability to pull through objects was so retarded. Roadhog is my most hated character.

1 star = 1 prayer

Its a slow boring turd, thats why its dieing. the only fun car Mitsu had was the evo. Everything else was just a wannabe.