
So what youre saying is your going to sub to him but still not watch his videos in hopes that he really does delete his channel? Sounds like jealousy to me that hes a millionaire and youre not. You didnt watch his stuff before and it didnt affect you.

Why should he quit his job and let a women take it just to please others? Dont they have a mixed bag of races and genders running this site and all the other kinja sites? I agree though, hiring these genders,races, or sexual preference just based on them not being white males is not fair either, because then you arent

One step closer to my non-diesel bro truck paradise. Wish “rolling coal” was enforced more by the police and a serious fine. Down here in south tx its almost encouraged to make your diesel blow smog because that means you are a cool,tough,bad ass.

Ive messed with glitching in SP games like using a gameshark for the N64, which is perfectly fine since you are only changing the game for yourself. The mindset of a cheater in an online game is different. I play CS:GO a ton and come across all different varieties of cheaters. You got the people that just suck at all

That is the dumbest reason ive heard to justify cheating in a online game. “See you guys, im really autistic, and i like observing how a games changes when i cheat. Its ok because im not doing it to troll.”

Wont affect me as i own the entire NES and SNES library in ROM’s. Ill own them forever.

Scientology. They are a cult and feed off the famous as a supply of money.

You are still a soldier fighting the supernatural. Demons are as real as ghost are.

What are you even trying to get at? Im pretty sure the staff of kotaku is pretty diverse. Is the EIC not allowed to be white? Quit playing the woe is me card, if you suck at a trade you wont get hired, if you are good you will. Its just that game developers tend to be white males because thats just the demographic

Exactly, and people didnt cry when there was no male lead, because that would be misogynistic to do so.

Thats why you become original and not copy what everyone else is doing.

Well once you get to a certain point in your popularity you can pretty much do anything and be ok. But what about newcomers? I cant just goto netflix and be like “gimme a show plz and make me money” and i also cant tour the US. Ethan with H3H3 is looking out for the little people, hes made it, but there are plenty of

Its a japanese game, they always have sexulized women in them. Its their thing. Dont play the game if it triggers you so much. You should also probably avoid japanese tv if a scantly clad 3d model triggers you.

Jesus Christ you SJW’s really want to ruin everything. Not every game has to have a prominent female character in it. This game is about 4 male friends. Get over it. Make your own FF game with all females in it if this game triggers you so much.

Never heard of her. But doing tours across the US has nothing to do with getting paid on YouTube.

No one is going to pay for netflix to watch a 8 minute video. ( i do not have netflix nor do i plan on getting it)

He has a show on youtube red, a paid for service just like netflix and prime. And youtube red is a flop because no one wants to pay to watch their favorite youtubers when they have been watching them for free for so long. Plus the content they make is not long enough to want to pay for it.

Amazon and netflix are paid for services with directors and producers and the actors have little say into what they want to do. Youtubers like to have complete control over their content and people that watch youtube dont want to pay for services just to watch them. Look at what a flop Youtube Red is.

Thats actually a pretty terrible solution. Does vimeo even pay is creators? And how would something like H3H3 or pewdipie work on netflix? 

Eh the wheels are just doodoo hellaflush stance bro wheels anyways, no real loss.