
In what seems like a bizarre response given its own acknowledgment of the situation being potentially deadly had the man not been found

I’m kind of surprised he didn’t just make a run for it after they got him out. They never would have caught him.

Image retention on OLEDs is real and CUMULATIVE!!!! It’s also not exactly similar to how Plasma’s retained imagery so babying them like a Plasma does not apply here. (Plasma was consecutive hours, not cumulative hours for burn in)

Image retention on OLEDs is real and CUMULATIVE!!!! It’s also not exactly similar to how Plasma’s retained imagery

You should comment less.

This game (and its support) is so fucked up that at this point I would expect the replacement bags to be shipped filled with asbestos and broken glass.

Go into McDonalds get the fries then head to BK and get the Whopper for a penny.  Best of both worlds. 

This card is for businesses and content creators so your first argument is basically null as for crypto well they took their losses and hopefully have learned from it. Expect nothing to change from Nvidia. 

I want to know more about this water curtain. 

I was thinking OVER HEIGHT MUST TURN may not make sense to some - like, “what’s over height?”  Maybe change the trigger message to YOU WILL HIT THE BRIDGE, TURN AROUND DUMBFUCK

You’d think things like this would work.

Because it’s too expensive, obviously. What, do you think these railroad tycoons are just made out of money or something? SMDH.

I’m going to read this later.

Seriously f*ck these guys.

Recently I watched a documentary about the relationship between these majestic creatures and humans. Sadly, their relationship was less than amicable:

Now playing

For reference, here’s the commercial she’s probably referencing. It’s very Fast & Furious.

I was not expecting to see this today.

I think Bansky is just 3 midgets in a trench coat. 

Ahem...unless the location in question is a budget men’s clothing store, I think you mean “warehouse”.

Other youtubers say it. Oh their black nvm all good