
maybe, and likely. but that’s for the insurance company to decide, not this asshole.

I’d say by the before pic with it half buried in sand and salt water that the car was already a total loss before it was run over by a truck.

You’re crazy. Tesla should’ve given them the full capability of the car they paid for in the first place. This “PR” only works on people like you, who are already admirers of the cult.

(Warning: very long rant ahead.)

Careful, speaking ill of The Perfect Company and New Jesus its founder could see you hanged.

There already is one: Yugioh Duel Links. Only crappy part about it is that it reduces the spell and monster slots to 3 instead of 5.

That’s clever, but if most people make an avatar based on themselves, won’t that really only end up punishing the black players?

Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.

I have a feeling the meltdowns will be coming from both sides.

Is it possible this girl called him a fucking idiot for referring to her as a “young man” and not anything to do with it being infowars?

It’s truly a fun event to watch.

I recommend everyone click through and read the GoFundMe firsthand account of this story. It has definitely brightened my day.

I agree such laws need to be in place to protect against price gouging of essentials. Is gas, in this situation, an essential? Where are you going? Automotive fuel prices being ‘locked in’ for rescue and police etc I get, but why does regular joe need to protect filling up his SUV? There are thousands upon

So I was thinking, which would I rather if I were in this situation, paying high prices for gas to run my generator, or not having gas to run it because the station sold out to people who didn’t actually need gas yet, but filled their trucks anyway?

To hell with you. I stopped reading at the uneducated Trump fan base comment. I probably have more of an education than your dumb ass does. Crawl back under your rock f*ckstick.

Yes people are at least that dumb.

Especially when her own mom is battling cancer. I’m sure that exactly what she was thinking.

Still the best one

I’m willing to bet Kanye doesn’t even know the date either.