
Yep, that’s it. It all comes down to being smart or stupid. Thanks for your important economic insights.

The point is not the average wage. They are striking to set a minimum for wages, so that people who are making much less than the average can at least have some quality of life. This will, obviously, then result in a raise in the apparent average, but seasonal workers are generally paid more than the average to make

Responses to this, and the overwhelming number of responses that basically give Trump’s comments a pass, have convinced me more than ever that most of the accounts on Twitter that support Trump must be fake. There’s no way there are that many people posting this shit, and so quickly. Any time Hillary posts something

> I too was brought up to pray to a God who loves me so much he would let police officers murder my people daily.

I just read this great post the other day about the whole topic:

I think someone mentioned it elsewhere, but a lot of this comes out of a big Replicability effort, where, under more controlled circumstances, they attempt to repeat studies, sometimes hundreds of times. In many of these cases we see failures, and the Power Pose work is one of those.

Counterpoint, I’ve biked near-daily for almost 20 years (on the same bike!), in big, small and mid-sized cities and have never had an accident (I’m looking around for wood to knock on right now).

I see people in cars run red lights almost daily, trying to beat the yellow, or sitting in the intersection making a left turn. I see people in cars blow through stop signs constantly, or speed in school zones, or speed down residential streets.

I think the important thing is that we all need to make sacrifices, some of us are willing to go to jail to support the things we believe in, and some of us are willing to go the extra mile to **both** change our yoga class to an earlier time and let everyone know about it.

I wasn’t sure where this was going, but now that I am, I’m very happy.

Someone broke into our car once and slept in it overnight on Vancouver’s Downtown East Side after about a week of solid rain. Didn’t steal anything, just slept in the car. Left all the change.

I think this would make a great education tool for high school teachers. They could literally walk out the back of their schools and show students millions of years of history just by pulling out a smart phone.

As another poster mentioned, this works on the ground as well. It’s pretty cool, the link to the Paleobiology Database lets me show my kids where there have been dinosaur bones found when we make a pit stop, and they even show a cool silhouette of the dinosaur. There’s also mammoth and giant beaver fossils loaded.