
And as someone who uses a laptop on a plane, I think you are making too much outta nothing really. People use laptops on planes all the time, they work just fine.

Right, but I can still get more than 3-4 hours on my 1070 Nvidia laptop with graphics that blow away anything the Switch is going to give me in Skyrim, so in my opinion, I’m getting a much better experience, with a MUCH larger screen and way more options.

But I’m going to have my laptop with me on the plane anyhow, a controller in the bag really isn’t going to make or break me.

But the device I’m advocating really isn’t taking up a lot more space (say an average 15" laptop) if you are including bringing along the Switch dock for that hotel TV and the controller base for the joycons. Sure, you might be saving some room with the Switch, I’m not arguing that. I’ve just never thought that my

Ha! Ok, whatever you need to justify it. Those Xbox controllers sure are a pain to put in a bag though, especially if I have my laptop with me already. Again, it is only “handheld” for 2.5 hours, then you need to plug it in somewhere.

Tethered? You can use a controller on your laptop too. Wired or wireless, PS4 or Xbox One or whatever other controller you would like. The PC makes the control options almost endless.

Any HDMI laptop would interface well with a HDMI TV just like the Switch. You’d likely get better performance and loads of mods on the laptop for Skyrim plus, the game wouldbe cheaper (or you already own it).

I carted one around in my backpack during university...weighs a ton!

The whole presentation felt really cheap and throw together last minute.

Enjoy your mobile Skyrim at 2.5 hours per session.

THANK YOU! Anyone Force-Monk was the WORST!

This is the one that comes to my mind when someone mentions haunting remakes. This is actually first from the “Donnie Darko” soundtrack though. It was better used in Gears though.

THIS! It looked so cool in 3D, but I couldn’t handle the frame rate penalty for the 3D.

I guess I don’t use my iPad 2 for heavy web surfing, so I don’t see too many issues with Safari.

Agreed, it was the later OS upgrades that did the most harm, clearly iOS 8 just wanted too many resources for the old iPad 2 to cope with well and it only got worse with future revisions of the OS.

I still have an iPad 2 as well. It has been pretty much relegated to use as a Harmony remote now though.

Nice! Sounds great. I imagine I can get behind longer conversations with NPCs if they turn out to be quality conversations.

Yeah, I really liked the first Witcher game, but everyone on TAY (our user run site) never stops going on about The Witcher 3. I have The Witcher 2 ready to go, so I’ll likely do that one soon.

Thanks for the in-depth reply.