
The Elder Scrolls Online is very nice looking too in my opinion.

Great! I'll await it in 2030 when HBO Go launches in Canada. :(

Makes sense. If you are looking for a full fledged PC then there are loads of people who will assemble them for you. I use NCIX in Canada and I think they have a US site as well. Picking your components will be the toughest job as you'll have to balance budget vs wants, but you can certainly get loads of help

That's why I said wait until they are out in earnest. They are slowly bumping the specs up on these machines and I imagine the whole industry is on the cusp of a new vram standard for cards. I think the standard 2GB of VRAM will be 4GB of VRAM very soon.

I'm a PC gamer at heart, but if you aren't a technophile then why not a PS4? I mean you get a great gaming rig with no headaches. Plus you'll be able to get the Sony exclusives.

No Dance Central Spotlight mention? This is by far my most used application on the One.

Actually, if you were old fashioned, you'd like skinning animals no?

It's much more difficult to play, because everything feels far more challenging.


I use Duracells as well and I very happy with them. There has been some discussion that they are just rebranded Eneloops, but I can't confirm that.

I use Duracells as well and I very happy with them. There has been some discussion that they are just rebranded

Now playing

I was sick from my kid most of senior kindergarten and basically ALL of Jan-June of grade 2. That's not counting the large amount of illnesses in JK and Grade 1. Grade 3 has been pretty good so far though. Fear the sickness.

I'm sure all the Dance Central fans know this song and have memorized the dance for it...I know I have.

That's a terrible outlook, you do not have to be "productive" to not be wasting time. Any experience can be enlightening. I don't think there is a definition for a "waste of time" in that everyone gets something different from every experience. Your idea of waste is not the same as the person next to you.

The dude is younger than me...I agree he doesn't get it, but being an "old man" has nothing to do with it. I've seen people WAY younger than me bash gaming.

If you enjoy something, it is NEVER a waste of time.

Guardian Heroes had a similar lane system.

But there are still TONS of songs available. I'm not sure about dying...winding down maybe. There are still loads of people playing though.

Those "dance like an idiot" games are a fantastic workout. Dance Central Spotlight is a blast.

I drove by a line for the iPhone this evening...there are certainly real. Check out the news feeds on Google for iPhone 6 lines.

Awesome job, well done!