
I never played it...I was waiting for a PC release. :)

Oh, I planned on getting a Kinect system. People who play Dance Central believe in it. :)

Me too...I didn't expect to be so excited from an yE3 annoucements, but I've over the moon right now.

REALLY?!?! If that's true, I'm getting an Xbox One on the weekend.

Wow! Now that's exciting news that I totally did not expect to hear. Looks like an Xbox One is a lock for purchase when this comes out. I look forward to hearing more details.

...because Watch Dogs was the first thing to show hacking traffic signals ever...*sigh*...I hope my country (Canada) doesn't fund anything to do with this group.

Yeah, that's my take too. I LOVE Rock Band and Dance Central changed my life so I'll be ever in Harmonix's corner, but I have yet to see any footage of Fantasia that makes me think it is even the least bit fun. Those players are barely moving at all in the trailer...I'm just not seeing anything the least bit

I've watched that twice and that was more than enough, even my 7 year old doesn't want to watch it.

And actually made them secret...that game had great hidden secrets. No cursor change to tell you.

Damn! RIP. I have a print of one of his work sabove the TV in my gamecave. He was a brilliant talent.

Definitely one of the true gems on the original X-Box.

I can't fall asleep without fan noise now.

Yeah, there are a few 3D movies that are still rather expensive here, but I regularly get them for under $20.

A system that allows grouped players to see each other even when they're in different phases A justice system—steal from and kill NPCs and deal with the consequences if you are caught Migration of European Megaserver to our European datacenter. Field of View (FOV) adjustment Armor dyeing and tinting Two new Veteran

I too watch stuff in 3D at home and love it.

I'm using a 50' HDMI cable and you may need a long toslink depending on your video/soundcard. You don't even need to use Big Picture mode. I just use the TV as a monitor and run regular Steam.

But it is a substantial difference in picture quality and other features that they really become a very separate sub-category. I have a full array LED TV so that when my screen is completely black in part of a picture, the TV will turn off the associated LED behind the screen to give a completely (off) black. Edge

I change the modes depending on what I am doing on the TV. Game mode reduces the visual quality a bit for me, but drastically reduces the input lag. Movie mode will add motion enhancements for Youtube and the likes.

Seeds of Evil is amazing! Definitely the best of the series...though I enjoyed the other games as well. Definitely gets Seed of Evil though.