
Yeah, I have a friend that works at Google and others who have a variety of Android device and I was aware of the fragmentation issue, I just can't speak to it personally, so I thought it better to not dip my toes in to that water. :)

I not telling anyone not to upgrade. I'm just saying that it isn't necessary to upgrade with every hardware iteration. If you get a benefit from upgrading, then of course it is worth it to you. My son's iPhone seems to work just fine with iOS 6 and he won't be able to get 7, but the phone will still operate in the

Broken is a different thing all together. I never said you wouldn't have to upgrade at some point, you just never need to upgrade every time there is new hardware. In fact, upgrading when your device is broken is likely the best time to upgrade.

I did watch all the video. Like I said, my son's 3Gs is still what is the waste so far? I don't see how this featured device is actually going to save on waste...upgraded "blocks" are still producing waste from the old blocks and then what wear and tear is there for the blocks by being modular and then

Like I said, my son is using a 3Gs, it still works fine and he can still get apps for it. Sure, you'll be left out of some software, but really, for most people who need just mobile email and web, the old devices are still perfectly acceptable. What devices are "bricked"?

Your old phone does not become obsolete with the release of a new device. My son still is using an iPhone 3Gs and my wife is using an iPad2 and they get along just fine.

Sure, lots of people live paycheque to paycheque, but that doesn't mean they don't spend money on discretionary things. I certainly didn't say people had heaps of money, just that they had enough left over every month to buy things they want, not just the things they need (this is disposable income). Barrie is pretty

iOS and 360 for my family. Soon to be Vita I suspect.

Now playing

Doesn't this have to get posted every time He-Man comes up?

Well, if you think Horn doesn't control well, then I guess we'll have to end the debate there. It works greats and shows exactly how action games can work extremely well on iOS. Sure it was easy, but it was over eight hours for me to complete, but it was fun and that's really all that matters to me. Eight hours for

I've seen no numbers to convince me that developing for 3DS or Vita is more lucrative at all (and much to the contrary). There are loads of games on all systems that get buried. LOADS of stuff on Nintendo systems that don't sell well unless it is first party. I don't know that the amount of stuff is a good argument

He does post this with the file.

Yeah, I have one and enjoyed a lot of it. It never hurt my eyes or gave me headaches. The biggest complaint I had was that the thing was just uncomfortable. You need just the perfect height table to set it on to match up with you and then you hand to lean in to it. It just wasn't a very relaxing or comfortable

Except that eats in to the bridge of my nose. :)

And I still disagree with you. First person shooters can work surprisingly well on iOS, better than they did on the DS (I can't think of a 3DS example). Fighting games and platform games certainly work better with controllers. But again, you have to build the game for the controller. Again though, there are loads

Say what you will. Money is money, considering how much good stuff is free on Android and iOS I think the amount of money the games earn speaks for itself. Your sudden about face on the issue of who makes more money is odd considering what you wrote previously, but I'll take your reversal as concession to the issue.

This! A thousand times this. It is absolutely a red herring to blame the game. The weapon is the problem here. Without the gun, this tragedy likely could not have happened.

Great read and great perspective, thanks!

We'll just have to agree to disagree. My kid gets along just fine in the iOS version of Minecraft as does my wife and myself. It works very well on iOS. My kid makes extremely complicated structures on iOS with similar finesse that he performs on the 360 version. You'll forgive me if the example of a 2.5 year old